Monday, April 29, 2013

Publication: Climate resilience and disaster risk management: stories of change from CDKN by M. Dupar (Apr 2013)

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Climate resilience and disaster risk management: stories of change from CDKN by M. Dupar

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This brief presents results from projects supported by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) to assess vulnerability and mainstream climate resilience into development planning. Case studies from India, Ghana and Colombia illustrate the importance of involving diverse social groups in defining and monitoring vulnerability and delivering adaptation solutions. The paper highlights the use of innovative techniques such as role-playing games to raise people’s awareness of the tough challenges posed by decision-making in a changing climate. Examples include: an initiative to protect residents of Ahmedabad, western India from heatwaves through common sense measures; a programme of witness tours and capacity building for local assembly members in Ghana, to raise awareness of climate-related risks to coastal development; and an ambitious process of vulnerability assessment in Cartagena, Colombia.

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