Monday, April 15, 2013

Event: Indicators for Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes organized by UNU-IAS on 22 Apr 2013

Indicators for Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes

Monday, 22 April 2013, 14:00 - 16:30

Indicators for Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes (SEPLs)

Nadia Bergamini
Scientific Assistant, Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Services Programme, Bioversity International

Diana Salvemini
COMDEKS Project Coordinator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Venue: Meeting Room 1, UNU-IAS
Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai
Nishi-ku, Yokohama

Event Description
Growing environmental crises and rapid societal changes have been increasingly causing instability and shocks to many socio-ecological production landscapes (SEPLs), which have been shaped through interactions between humans and nature, and provide a bundle of ecosystem services for human well-being. The concept of resilience is increasingly recognized as important for understanding how to maintain, revitalize and rebuild such landscapes. Furthermore, it is crucial that this concept be transformed into measurable indicators to support local communities to better understand and further strengthen the resilience of their landscapes.

Since 2011, Bioversity International and UNU-IAS have been engaged in a collaborative activity to develop indicators of resilience in SEPLs and further refine these indicators through field-testing. The indicators have also been playing a substantial role in the COMDEKS project, currently being implemented by UNDP, which aims to develop sound biodiversity management and sustainable livelihood activities with local communities.

This seminar will introduce the recent work by Bioversity International and UNDP on indicators and resilience in SEPLs.

14:00Opening Remarks
Presentation1 "Indictors for Resilience in SEPLs: Development and Field Testing"
Nadia Bergamini (Scientific Assistant, Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Services Programme, Bioversity International)
15:00Presentation2 "Investing in Community-based Resilience of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes: Piloting indicators for resilience in SEPLS in COMDEKS project sites"Diana Salvemini (COMDEKS Project Coordinator, UNDP)
15:55Comments from discussantSuneetha M. Subramanian (UNU-IAS)
16:05 - 16:30Discussion

Speakers' Biographies

Nadia Bergamini
Nadia Bergamini is a scientific assistant at Bioversity International (formerly IPGRI) in Rome. A citizen of Italy, Bergamini received her Master’s in Ecology in (1996) from Rome University and since then has been working in International organizations. During her university studies she taught environmental education to school children. She then worked at the Fisheries Department of the FAO preparing and editing technical fact sheets on fisheries and aquaculture. At Bioversity International, Rome she is working with conservation biologists to integrate agricultural biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods in the management of protected areas. Her work is focused on integrating ecological functions across wild and cultivated landscapes. She is the co-editor of the workshop proceedings On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change, Bioversity 2011. She is co-author of the manual Improving nutrition with agricultural biodiversity, Bioversity International 2011. Her latest article was published as a case study in the book Diversifying Food and Diets Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health, Earthscan, 2013. Over the past 10 years she has developed practical skills in organic and biodynamic farming of fruits and vegetables.

Diana Salvemini
Diana Salvemini is the UNDP Global Project Coordinator for the Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS) project, a unique global project implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), the United Nations University (UNU-IAS), and funded by the Japan Biodiversity Fund. Prior to this assignment, Diana worked with the UNDP’s Energy and Environment Group (UNDP-GEF) providing technical, policy, capacity development and other support services related to UNDP’s climate change adaptation work. Diana has extensive experience in the formulation and evaluation of results based management systems. Prior to joining UNDP, she worked with the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group, evaluating climate change strategies and identifying best practices and results for biodiversity, land degradation, climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. She also worked in Bolivia with UN FAO Natural Resources Management and Environment Department, supporting FAO’s activities with indigenous communities in the field of participatory territorial development and community-based adaptation. Diana holds a Masters degree in International Economics and International Relations from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and a degree in Political Science from Luiss Guido Carli University, in Rome.

Registration is free and open to the public. For further information, please contact UNU-IAS at unuias[at] or 045-221-2300.

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