Monday, April 29, 2013

South Korean Updates: Save standby power, cut GHG emissions (22 Apr 2013)


Save standby power, cut GHG emissions


The Ministry of Environment (MOE) and Innisfree Co., Ltd.* signed an MOU on expanding Green Touch* and social contribution on the 22nd at the headquarters of Innisfree during the 5th Climate Change Week.
* Innisfree Co., Ltd: Korean cosmetics company
* Green Touch: A computer program to save PC’s standby power

The MOU is designed to tackle climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions through practicing green lifestyle.

Under the MOU, the Ministry aims to utilize Green Touch, a standby power-saving program, together with Green Start National Network to have effects of reducing GHG emissions and planting trees.

The MOU includes mutual cooperation and information sharing for developing and distributing Green Touch program, joint campaign for combating climate change and social contribution to create economic benefits by cutting emissions.

When the PCs equipped with Green Touch are turned into a sleep mode for 3 hours a day, 240 a year, it can save up to 144 kWh of electricity a year, which is equivalent to reducing 61kg of CO2 and planting 22 pine trees. The savings on electricity bill will go into corporate social contribution activities such as planting trees.

An official of MOE said that the MOU will result in social contribution, going beyond mere CO2 reduction. He added that MOE will distribute approximately 700,000 Green Touch programs to the financial industry and schools by the end of this year.



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