Thursday, June 28, 2012

3rd International Conference on "Forests and Water in a Changing Environment", 18-20 September 2012, Japan

3rd International Conference on "Forests and Water in a Changing Environment" (Combating Desertification Group)

Ecohydrologic science has tremendous value for maintaining, restoring, and enhancing water quality and supply. In order to provide a forum for experts from around the world on ecohydrology, restoration ecology, forest ecology, watershed management and global change sciences to share knowledge and research experiences, and develop long-term international collaborations on watershed research, The International Conference on Forest and Water in a Changing Environment has been held every three years since 2006.
At this 3rd conference, we will continue to discuss forest and water relations in a changing environmental in Fukuoka, the gateway city linking Japan to the rest of Asia.


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