Thursday, June 14, 2012

Workshop on "Guangdong-Hong Kong Energy Collaboration on the Development of Renewable Energy", 15th June 2012, Hong Kong

Workshop on "Guangdong-Hong Kong Energy Collaboration on the Development of Renewable Energy"

Workshop Overview Meeting today’s energy challenges require us to expand the scope and diversity of energy technologies as well as policy options. In Hong Kong, energy policies tend to rely on conventional energy options whilst the role of renewable energy in a sustainable future for this city is comparatively neglected. In light of the energy challenges ahead, this workshop is convened to explore Hong Kong-Guangdong regional collaboration as a new approach to accelerating the development of renewable energy options. We seek to identify strategies that Hong Kong and Guangdong can pursue collaboratively for accelerating the development of renewable energy options that can reduce air pollution, minimize future GHG emissions, reduce dependence on oil, promote economic growth and strengthen social cohesion.

This workshop is convened to advocate for greater stakeholder involvement in Hong Kong-Guangdong renewable energy planning. We invite scientists, industry, governments, professional associations and public interest group on both sides of the border to join this workshop. This workshop is part of a Public Policy Research Project undertaken by the Kadoorie Institute for the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong to inform decision-making for low-carbon economy transition.
Date:15th June, 2012 (Friday)
Venue:T5 Lecture Theater, Meng Wah Complex,
The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Click here for more details.


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