Monday, June 18, 2012

New Book: Environmental Justice: Legal Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition by Barry E. Hill

Environmental Justice: Legal Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition by Barry E. Hill

Product Details
Paperback: 500 pages
Publisher: Environmental Law Institute; 2 edition (May 30, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1585761591
ISBN-13: 978-1585761593

Book Description
Environmental risks and harms affect certain geographic areas and populations more than others. The environmental justice movement is aimed at having the public and private sectors address this disproportionate burden of risk and exposure to pollution in minority and/or low-income communities, and for those communities to be engaged in the decision making processes.

Barry Hill’s second edition of his comprehensive work, Environmental Justice: Legal Theory and Practice, provides an overview of this defining problem and explores the growth of the environmental justice movement. It analyzes the complex mixture of environmental laws and civil rights legal theories adopted in environmental justice litigation and challenges the reader to explore this complex and controversial area of the law. The new edition includes a new section on sustainable development, and an additional chapter on a human right to a clean and healthy environment in the international context as well as in the U.S.

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