Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sustainability and Value Management Seminar, 18 June, 2012 , Hong Kong

Event Date:18 June, 2012 (Monday)
Event Time:2:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue:BEC Auditorium, Jockey Club Environmental Building, Kowloon Tong
Discounts:20% - BEC members/ sponsors/ partners, additional 5% - early birds 21 days prior to the event, additional 5% - Group of 2 or more
Contact:Ms Sindy Tam

About the Seminar

Value Management (VM) is a unique management tool dedicated to mobilise people, develop skills and promote synergies and innovation, with the aim of maximising the overall performance of an organisation. It looks into ways to eliminate unnecessary cost and resources consumption without affecting the targeted service quality.

The success of VM has been recognised by the Technical Circular Works (No. 352002) issued by Environment, Transport and Works Bureau as early as 2002. There has been an increasing level of interest in VM application in Hong Kong over the past few years and it is now applied in major public infrastructure projects in Hong Kong.

In this seminar, our speakers will discuss the basis and major principles of VM, and how it could be applied practically to create sustainable value for organisations and their stakeholders.

Event & CPD Partner
Hong Kong Institute of Value Management

Speakers & Topics

  • Value Analysis Exercises & Introduction to Value Management (VM) Prof Geoffrey Q P Shen, Chair Professor of Construction Management Department
    of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Introduction to VM Principle
    Functional/ Systematic/ Collaborative/ Creative approach
    VM Application in Construction Stages
    Dr Jacky K H Chung, Instructor, Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong
    Polytechnic University

  • VM in Hong Kong Public Sector and Case Studies Mr Li Ho Kin, Chief Architect, Architectural Services Department, The Government of HKSAR

Remarks: This Seminar is an endorsed CDP with 3-hour credits issued by Hong Kong Institute of Value Management.
For further information and assistance, please contact Ms Sindy Tam (T. 2784-3942 E.

For more info:


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