Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Book: Reforming Justice: A Journey to Fairness in Asia by Livingston Armytage

Reforming Justice: A Journey to Fairness in Asia

Livingston Armytage
The Centre for Judicial Studies and The University of Sydney

Hardback  (ISBN-13: 9781107013827) 
Published May 2012

'Reforming Justice' calls for justice to be repositioned more centrally in evolving notions of equitable development. Justice is fundamental to human well being and essential to development. Over the past fifty years, however, overseas development assistance - foreign aid - has grappled with the challenge of improving 'the rule of law' with underwhelming and often dismal results around the world. Development agencies have supported legal and judicial reforms in order to improve economic growth and good governance, but are yet to address mounting concerns about equity and distribution. Building on new evidence from Asia, Livingston Armytage argues that it is now time to realign the approach to promote justice as fairness and equity.

• Provides solutions to improve justice reform endeavor around the world
• Analysis of the philosophical justifications for reform exposes the pervasive influence of ideology in the justification of development
• Examines a substantial body of new evidence from Asia, an area which has hitherto been the subject of little scholarly analysis

For more info: http://www.cambridge.org/asia/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9781107013827


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