Friday, June 1, 2012

Innovative Clean Enviro-Solutions for Asia's Growing Cities, 1 - 4 July 2012, Singapore

Innovative Clean Enviro-Solutions for Asia's Growing Cities

1 - 4 July 2012
Sands Expo and Convention Center
Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

CleanEnviro Summit Singapore is organised by Singapore’s National Environment Agency (NEA).

The theme for CleanEnviro Summit Singapore 2012 is ""Innovative Clean Enviro-Solutions for Asia's Growing Cities".

By 2030, Asia  will see one of the biggest urban population explosions in the world. As many cities in Asia are beginning to urbanise, there will be vital opportunities and challenges in managing the various environmental issues faced by every modern city.

Issues on waste management, air pollution, public sanitation and clean water are some of the challenges that emerging Asian cities grapple with in the search of  cost-effective and innovative solutions to tackle the problems. Sustaining a clean environment in tandem with urbanisation will become increasingly pertinent in Asia, together  with higher accessibility to the provision of more efficient environmental management services.

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