Monday, June 11, 2012

New Book: Democratization, Decentralization, and Environmental Governance in Asia by Akihisa Mori

Democratization, Decentralization, and Environmental Governance in Asia

Akihisa Mori ed.

228mmx150mmx10mm paper 182 pages JPY 3,800
ISBN: 9784876982219
pub. date: 03/12


After the wave of democratization and decentralization in several Asian nations in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a marked increase in environmental policy-making. However, social differences among the various countries led to diverse political consequences and therefore a diversity of environmental policies. This collaborative volume outlines political changes in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia during the past 20 years. Against this backdrop, it analyzes and compares environmental policies as well as future prospects for the environment in these countries.

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