Saturday, October 29, 2011

Regional Forum of the Council for Sustainable Development on 11 NOV

Public engagement on Combating Climate Change: Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in Buildings

Date: 11 Nov 2011 (Fri) 2:15PM
Venue: Sai Tso Wan Neighborhood Community Centre
Address: 1/F, 81 Cha Kwo Ling Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

The Council for Sustainable Development (the SDC) has launched a new round of public engagement on Combating Climate Change: Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in Buildings, which focused strategically on four core building user groups (office, household, retail and catering) to facilitate exchange of ideas on concerns, incentives, and possible action plans for the demand side management in electricity consumption. The SDC has published an Invitation for Response (IR) Document (Download) to impart information and initiate public dialogue for the public engagement process.

Five regional forums will be organised to engage stakeholders from various sectors and the community to join in a dialogue on how to achieve energy saving and enhance energy efficiency in buildings that will lead to combating climate change.

For more info and registration:

Environmental Colloquium Inaugural Lecture: Real-time Beach Water Quality Forecast for Hong Kong on 8 NOV

Speaker : Prof. Joseph Hun-wei LEE, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, HKUST
Date : 8 November 2011 (TUE)
Time : 5:00 p.m.
Venue : Lecture Theatre K (Lift 31-32), HKUST
* Refreshment will start at 4:30 p.m. 

For more info:

Seminar on 'Mesoscale and Urban Atmospheric Flows, Dispersion and Local Climate Change'

Speaker: Prof. Lord Julian HUNT
                 Emeritus Professor of Climate Modelling and Honorary Professor of Mathematics
                 University College London and University of Cambridge, UK
Date:        3 November 2011, Thursday
Time:       11:00 a.m.
Venue:     Room 2404, (Lift 17-18), HKUST

'Atmospheric flows over mountains, coasts and urban areas need to be understood and modelled on scales ranging from 1000km down to a few meters. The resolution also depends on applications. Analytical perturbation methods, with the use of small computers, continue to be very effective for predicting and rapid modelling of flows and flow processes such as dispersion and local climate. These are reviewed in this lecture, with some new results on studies of winds around HKIA, and on the qualitatively different urban flows found in HK where the gap widths between buildings are significantly less than their heights. As cities in China grow at a faster rate than the time scale of national/global climate change, changes in their local climates are largely locally produced. Also the levels of artificial and natural pollution aerosols and particulates are so high that the vertical temperature gradients of the urban atmosphere and therefore the local climate are also significantly altered. So the issues of urbanization, pollution and local climate have to be considered holistically.'

For more info:

Seminar on "The Architecture of World Oil: An Elementary Update"

Speaker: Professor Ferdinand E. Banks, Uppsala University, Sweden

Date:   2 NOV 2011 (TUE)
Time:   3:30pm to 5:00pm
Venue: ESI Conference Room
             29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
             Block A #10-01
             Singapore 119620

Please send your name, organisation and email address via the ESI website (Link) .
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Jan Lui at 65162000.

About the seminar:'The purpose of this seminar is to discuss some important characteristics of the world oil scene from the evolution of OPEC to the present, particularly the movement of the oil price. Special attention will be given to the various oil price spikes/shocks, the sustained oil price rise of 2008, the decline (and unexpected) recovery of the oil price, as well as the physical (or geopolitical) peaking of the global oil supply. The relationship between the price of oil and the global macroeconomy will also be explored, plus the role that speculation has played in the oil market. This seminar is based on an article that Professor Banks is writing for Energy Science and Technology.'

For more info:

The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) from 31 OCT - 4 NOV 2011


The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) is an annual week-long platform for energy professionals, policymakers and commentators to discuss and share best practices and solutions within the global energy space.

About the Organiser

Energy Market Authority (EMA)
Formed in 2001 as a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) is tasked to promote effective competition in the energy market, ensure a reliable and secure energy supply, and develop a dynamic energy sector in Singapore.


Official Website of SIEW:

Lecture on 'Environmental Journalism in Mainland China'

Speaker: Ms. Isabel Hilton
               Editor of chinadialogue

Date: 10 November 2011
Time: 5:15pm – 6:30pm
Venue: Y4302, Yellow Zone , Academic Building 1, City University of Hong Kong
Language: English

Registration: Free Admission
Enquiries and Seats Registration : Ms. Kanas Lau
Tel. No.: 3442-7533 Email:

Abstract: "China’s rapid growth is inevitably leading to urgent environmental challenges. Environmental costs
may account for 10 per cent of China's GDP and the effects of pollution, desertification and climate
change are beginning to be felt within China and outside her borders. Climate change, species loss,
pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are not problems confined to one country: they are
challenges that concern all the world's citizens, but the rise of China gives them a new urgency.
Tackling these challenges will require a common effort and common understanding."

For more details:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lecture on "Advances in Science and Technology Boost Green Development"

Professor Xu Kuangdi
Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

7 November 2011 (Monday)

9:45 am

Connie Fan Multi-media Conference Room
4/F Cheng Yick-chi Building (Lift 12)
City University of Hong Kong

1. China is undergoing a phase of development featuring industrialization coupled with rapid urbanization. With its heavy reliance on coal as a major source of energy, China has become the world's biggest CO2  emitter. Yet, in terms of per capita emission, China still lies far behind the developed countries. So, it is fair that China should bear a common but differentiated responsibility for reducing global carbon emissions;
2. Saving energy in traditional industries while developing cyclic economy is the first step towards green development; developing advanced manufacturing technologies and employing the Internet of Things will make a breakthrough in achieving green development;
3. Readjusting the energy structure while advancing nuclear and renewable energy sources will lay a solid foundation for a low-carbon economy for green development;
4. Promoting low-carbon, energy-saving lifestyle is a sure guarantee of achieving green development.

Biographical Sketch:

Hong Kong Sustainability Jam from 27 -30 OCT

''First-in-Hong-Kong Cooperative Gathering of people to use creativity and collective intelligence to solve world’s sustainability issues.''

Date:27 Oct 2011 - 30 Oct 2011
Time:48 hours

''The Global Sustainability Jam (GSJ)
is a global event where people from 27 countries around the world, gather in the same weekend in the year, to generate solutions for a more sustainable future.

Hong Kong Sustainability Jam 2011 is the local host in Hong Kong that brings passionate people of diverse background together to use creativity and collective intelligence to solve sustainability issues.

You will represent Hong Kong and be one of the international participants, together with participants in Madrid, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Milan, Oslo, London, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bangalore, Dubai, Melbourne and many other cities from 27 countries to develop proposals based on sustainability in 48 hours. Everyone is welcomed - including sustainability and environmental experts, professors,  government officials, Green NGO representatives, entrepreneurs, designers, working professionals, university students…''

Join Now! Get inspired! Register at:

16th International Forestry and Environment Symposium on 28-29 OCT

28 - 29 October 2011 at Golden Rose Recreation Complex, 261, Maharagama Road, Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka. (Symposium 2011 Program)
Forestry and Environment Symposium 2010 Sri Lanka
Annual Symposium organized by Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Present your latest research findings in the oldest and most renowned Forestry and Environment Symposium in South Asia, and to publish in the peer reviewed Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment.


■Forest and Natural Resource Management
■Biodiversity Conservation and  Management
■Socio Economics of Natural Resources
■Climate Change
■Sustainable Energy
■Waste Management and  Pollution Control


The authors will be notified on the details of registration once their paper is accepted for presentation. Registration fee will entitle the copy of the symposium proceedings, meals, and refreshments during the symposium.
Registration fee: local participants-Rs.1000/=; local presenters Rs. 500/=; Students Free.
Foreign participants / presenters US$ 80; from SAARC countries US$ 40.
Registration fee can be paid at the registration desk.


Accomdation for foreign participants are provided in a local hotel ( Haus Chandra Hotel, Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka) 

For more details:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Call for papers by Journal of Cleaner Production for a special issue addressing “Green Universities and Environmental Higher Education for Sustainable Development in China and Other Emerging Countries”

Since the 1990, two years before the formal adoption of Sustainable Development (SD) in Earth Summit, university leaders in developed countries have been covering research on environmental sustainability in higher education. On the contrary, only limited number of papers was based upon work conducted in the context of developing and emerging countries.

As important engines of the world economy, China and other emerging economies are playing a key role to solve global environmental challenges through their own pursuit of SD and environmental protection. Without doubt, academia should and will play a leading role in realizing SD in their respective countries.

Under this circumstance, there is a call for papers for a special issue addressing “Green Universities and Environmental Higher Education for Sustainable Development in China and Other Emerging Countries”

Preference will be given to ESD initiatives in China and other emerging countries, but western researchers are also welcome to contribute their latest findings for comparisons.

Important remarks for summiting inputs for this special issue:

  • Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of 200-300 words using Elsevier’s EES system (Link) for the Journal by February 29, 2012. 
  • By March 30, 2012, the editorial team will evaluate all extended abstracts and invite authors of accepted abstracts to develop full papers. The full papers should be submitted by July 30, 2012 via EES system. 
  • Manuscripts should not be more than 8000 words and will be refereed according to the normal peer review process of Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • All accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION in early 2013.

Members of the editorial team for the JCLP special issue include:
Dr. Yutao Wang (Shandong University)
Professor Renqing Wang (Shandong University)
Assistant Professor Shi Han (City University of Hong Kong)
Associate Professor Lars Hansson (Lund University)
Associate Professor Jian Liu (Shandong University)
Professor Weihua Guo (Shandong University)
Professor Canzhu Gao (Shandong University)
Professor Jinglan Hong (Shandong University)

For more info and full text of the document: Download

BEC Breakfast Briefing on 25 Oct: Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index

Event Date:25 October, 2011 (Tuesday)
Event Time:8:00am - 9:30am
Venue:American Club
Contact:Ms Atta Tong
The Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index (“HSSUS”) is a cross-market index that covers outstanding sustainability leaders in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Since its launch in July 2010, the Index has provided vital benchmark for accessing socially responsible investments as well as identifying the leading brands in sustainability. 

The Index was reviewed for the first time in 2011. With constituent companies either joining or leaving the HSSUS, the Business Environment Council have invited speakers to give views on the latest development on the Index, as well as to share their experiences, in particular the challenges and opportunities to be ‘re-listed’ for the second year.


8:15amThe Latest Development of the HSSUS
Mr Vincent Kwan, Director and General Manager
Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
8:40amThe Business Case in Sustainability Leadership
Ms Evelyn Chan, Environmental Projects Manager
Cathay Pacific Airways
9:05amThe Benefits and Know-how of Sustainable and Responsible Investment
Dr Margaret Burnett, Head – Corporate Sustainability
Business Environment Council
Registration Fee: HKD385 for non BEC members, HKD320 for BEC members

Application form: Download

Environmental Protection Department 25th Anniversary Public Seminar (27 Oct 2011)

A seminar at which distinguished academics will share their insights about the past efforts the EPD have made in shaping Hong Kong's environment and our visions to its enrichment in future.

Date: 27 October 2011 (Thu)
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Conference Room, 4/F, HKPC Building,78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon
Registration: Free Admission (Link)

Dr. N. C. Ng (The University of Hong Kong)
Prof. K. C. Lam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr. W. T. Hung (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Prof. C. S. Poon (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Prof. Joseph H. W. Lee (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Prof. Paul K. S. Lam (City University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Jonathan W. C. Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Prof. K. C. Ho (The Open University of Hong Kong)
Prof. T. Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Symposium on "Environmental Markets: A New Frontier for Asia?"

Baker & McKenzie and the University of Hong Kong will jointly hosted a symposium on Environmental Markets for Asia.

Date:04 Nov 2011 (Fri)
Time:10:00 - 17:00

"This one-day symposium seeks to provide an insight into innovative environmental regulation through market-based approaches. Speakers will illustrate the theory and practice of creating and regulating the environmental markets through case studies, with an aim to create an interactive environment for critical discussion and analysis of the relevance of environmental markets for Asia."

Venue: Baker & McKenzie, 23/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Registration & Fee:
Registration is required. A fee of HKD300 per delegate includes participation in the symposium, materials, refreshments, and lunch.  The fee must be settled by cheque in full before the event.

For further details and Registration:

Seminar on “Less Than Zero? The Future for Buildings & Carbon Emissions” on 1 NOV

Developments in sustainable building are moving fast. Practices and terminologies that represented the cutting edge in green buildings just a few years ago are now the norm or even surpassed. The quest for “low emissions buildings” may become outdated, if a movement towards buildings with zero emissions gains ground. With its commitment to dramatically reduce carbon emissions and to change its energy mix over the next decade, Germany is experimenting with an even more ambitious concept – “Energy Plus” – buildings that create more energy than they consume.

Date:       1 NOV 2011(TUE)
Time:       2.00 – 5.00pm (Registration and networking from 1.30pm)
Venue:   The Salisbury, YMCA – Huthart Room, 3/F, South Tower, 41 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
Registration: There is no charge for this event, but registration is essential.

Organized by:
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Hong Kong
Civic Exchange 

1.30-2.00pmRegistration and networking
2.00-3.00pmWelcome: Mr Werner Hans Lauk, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Keynote address: Buildings as Power Plants
Dr Rüdiger Kratzenberg, Head of the Building & Construction Industry Directorate of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. Dr Kratzenberg is currently overseeing an experimental project in Berlin to design an Energy Plus family home, with the surplus energy earmarked for charging an electric vehicle. He will talk about this and other strategies in Germany for emission reductions in buildings.
3.00-3.30pmRefreshment Break
3.30-5.00pmPanel Discussion: Hong Kong experts discuss the latest zero emissions building developments in Hong Kong, including:
  • Mr David Littler, Group Director (Building Services & Sustainable Engineering), Buro Happold: Utilizing building sustainability measurement tools in Hong Kong, with a focus on the German system DGNB.
  • Dr Raymond Yau, Arup Fellow, Director of Arup Hong Kong
  • Dr Guiyi Li, Senior Manager (Research) at the Construction Industry Council:  Plans for a zero emission CIC education centre in Kowloon.
Q&A and Discussion: moderated by Ms Christine Loh, CEO, Civic Exchange
Close and thanks

Breakfast forum: “Blissful Living” In the PRD: What has Europe got to offer? on 26 OCT 2011

The European Chamber of Commerce and Civic Exchange are organizing a breakfast forum on the role of the European business community in realizing a quality living area. How can stronger environmental planning and policy in the PRD create value for European businesses?”

“Blissful Living” In the PRD: What has Europe got to offer?

Date:Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Time:8.30 – 10.00 am (registration from 8.00am)
Venue:European Chamber of Commerce in Hong KongRoom 1003, 10/F, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road, Central
Enquiry:+852 2511 5133 (European Chamber of Commerce) or +852 36222301 (Civic Exchange)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coverage of Policy Address 2011-2012 on Environmental Governance

Coverage of Policy Address 2011-2012 on Environmental Governance

C. Quality Life

Environmental Protection and Conservation

123.     I have advocated the concept of “Progressive Development” which attaches importance to environmental protection and heritage conservation while pursuing economic development.  This would provide our people with a quality city life.
Improving Air Quality
124.     We have done a great deal over the past few years to tackle major sources of local air pollution, ranging from electricity generation and fuel combustion to emissions from vehicles and vessels.  To further improve air quality, we will next focus on reducing roadside air pollution.
Environment-friendly Buses
125.     To improve roadside air quality, we must reduce emissions from large buses.  We are conducting trials of retrofitting Euro II and Euro III franchised buses with catalytic reduction devices to reduce their nitrogen oxide emissions.  Subject to the test results, we will retrofit all these buses with such devices.
126.     Last year, I proposed to impose additional requirements in the new franchises for bus companies to switch to zero-emission buses or the most environment-friendly buses when replacing diesel buses due for retirement.  To prepare for the change, apart from encouraging the testing of hybrid buses, we will ask all franchised bus companies to test zero-emission electric buses as soon as possible.  I propose to earmark $180 million for franchised bus companies to purchase 36 electric buses for trial runs on a number of routes to assess their performance in different conditions.  If the test results are satisfactory, the Government will encourage franchised bus companies in a suitable way to use electric buses on a much larger scale, taking into account the affordability of the bus companies and passengers.

Enhancing Vehicle Maintenance
127.     Petrol and liquefied petroleum gas vehicles without proper maintenance will emit excessive colourless exhaust gases that increase the roadside concentration of nitrogen oxides.  We will introduce remote sensing equipment and advanced emission tests to control emissions from these vehicles.  We have also set aside $150 million to provide a one-off subsidy to owners of liquefied petroleum gas taxis and light buses for replacing catalytic converters in their vehicles, which will improve their green performance.

Clean Fuels for Vessels
128.     We will explore with the governments of Guangdong, Shenzhen and Macao proposals for requiring ocean-going vessels to switch to low-sulphur diesel while berthing in Pearl River Delta (PRD) waters, and setting up an Emission Control Area in PRD waters.  We will also study, in collaboration with the relevant trades, ways to improve the quality of vessel fuels sold locally to reduce vessel emissions.
Updating Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives
129.     We have consulted the public on updating our air quality objectives (AQOs) and the associated improvement measures.  The AQOs are statutory standards.  We will draw up the final recommendations for updating the AQOs and make a proposal to this Council.

Combating Global Warming
130.     Last year, we devised Hong Kong's Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda and proposed setting a target to reduce the carbon intensity level in Hong Kong by 50-60% by 2020 as compared with 2005.  We also suggested a number of emission reduction measures and are now seeking input from the community to improve energy efficiency and enhance the management of electricity demand.
131.     On the wider use of clean energy, we are consolidating views collected during public consultation.  In deciding the power generation fuel mix in the future, we will take into account the impact of the Fukushima incident earlier this year on nuclear energy development, and balance such factors as safety, reliability, environmental protection and affordability.
Nuclear Safety
132.     The Fukushima nuclear incident attracted global concern.  We should remain vigilant at all times.  We are undertaking a comprehensive review of the Daya Bay Contingency Plan.  A large-scale inter-departmental exercise with public participation will be conducted early next year to ensure the effectiveness of the Plan.

Management of Water Resources
Harbour Water Quality
133.     Our efforts to improve harbour water quality over the years are producing results.  We have allocated $17 billion to collect and treat about 450 000 cubic metres of sewage currently discharged into the harbour each day.  When works are finished in 2014, the harbour's water quality will improve even further.
134.     We advanced the construction of some disinfection facilities at the Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works.  Following the commissioning of these facilities last year, the water quality in the western part of Victoria Harbour and Tsuen Wan beaches improved significantly.  The long-closed beaches in Tsuen Wan now meet the water quality objectives and are suitable for swimming.  Some have already been reopened.

More on Policy Address: 

"Business Summit On Climate Leadership 2011" to be held on 07 Nov

"The Business Summit on Climate Leadership 2011 (BSCL 2011) is a leadership platform and dialogue on the progressive business solutions to address climate change. BSCL 2011 will: -

  • Analyze the current and potential fast-growth and high-yield clean technology market;
  • Discuss the financial mechanisms and policy-led growth needed to unlock low carbon opportunities;
  • Offer a business-driven platform to tackle the global climate challenge.

Date: 07 NOV 2011 (Mon) | 9:00am - 5:30pm
Venue: The InterContinental Ballroom
Address: 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, HKSAR

Registration Fee:

US$1,000 per person

Early Bird Discount:
30% discount – valid until 17 OCT 2011 (Mon)

Registration Closure Date:
28 OCT 2011 (Fri)

Registration and more info:

Forum on "The Air We Breathe 3: A Pan-PRD Dialogue on Marine Emissions" by Civic Exchange

Date:       12 NOV 2011 (SAT)
Time:       9:30am-12:30pm (registration from 9:00am)
Location: YMCA – 3/F South Tower, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Language:       With simultaneous interpretation on Cantonese and English
Registration    The event is free of charge, but registration is essential as spaces are limited.

"Despite the emissions from ships and port activity account for insignificant proportion of regional air pollution than other sources, the busy shipping and dense population density in the Hong Kong – Pearl River Delta (HK - PRD) means that people there suffer severe air pollution than any other regions in the world. In order to address this challenge effectively, addressing emissions from vessels across HK-PRD region is essential. 

 Funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Environment Conservation Fund, the Civic Exchange is going to hold a forum called The Air We Breathe 3: A Pan-PRD Dialogue on Marine Emissions on 12 NOV 2011. This forum brings together scientists, government officials, business leaders and academics from around the world to discuss reducing vessel emissions in the HK-PRD region and around the world."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection on 26-29 OCT 2011

Fair Dates : 26-29 October 2011 (Wednesday-Saturday)
Venue :  AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

Opening Hours :

26 October (Wed) 10:30am - 6:00pm
27-28 October (Thur - Fri) 10:00am - 6:00pm
29 October (Sat)  10:00am - 5:00pm

Admission :
26-28 Oct: Free admission to trade visitors aged 18 or above only, trade visitors must wear their admission badge during the fair.
29 Oct: Free admission to all visitors  (All exhibits are for display only and not for sale.)

Organisers :
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Co-organiser :
Environment Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Major Exhibit

Categories :
Air Quality 

  • Air filtration system
  • Air pollution & gas emission control
  • Air purification & deodorisation technology and equipment
  • Gas, smoke & chemical monitoring and treatment equipment
  • Desulphurisation & dust control technology and equipment

Energy Efficiency & Energy

  • Energy saving devices and products
  • Renewable & alternative energy products
  • Alternative energy machinery and technology
  • Eco-friendly vehicles
  • New energy materials

Waste Management & Recycling

  • Solid waste recycling technology and equipment 
  • Solid waste treatment, incineration & recycling systems 
  • Transport, collection & sorting of waste
  • Biological treatment equipment
  • Oil recycling technology and equipment 
  • Waste electrical and electronic equipment treatment and recycling systems

Eco-friendly Product

  • Bio-degradable plastic products
  • Recycled paper products
  • Recycled plastic products
  • Bio-degradable & recycled products and packaging
  • Bio-degradable & eco-friendly raw materials
  • Organic products
  • Nano technology and materials

Environmental Protection Solution & Service

  • Beach, coastal, harbour & marine protection
  • Forest regeneration & environment conservation
  • Environmental project equipment and services
  • Landfill containment
  • Slope & ground management and protection
  • Soil erosion control
  • Research & consultation

Water Quality

  • Water desalination & purification technology and equipment
  • Sewage systems and treatment
  • Water treatment and distribution
  • Sewage maintenance
  • Wastewater recycling technology and equipment

Control, Measuring and Laboratory Technology

  • Quality inspection and testing services
  • Environmental electronic surveillance, monitoring and management systems
  • Sound & noise control products and services
  • Environmental information & data processing
  • Laboratory equipment & supplies

Environmental Protection Service & Research

  • Environmental-related education & training
  • Environmental-related media & publications
  • Green financing
  • Sustainability consultancy

Green Building Solution & Service

  • Energy efficient devices and systems
  • Indoor air quality technology and systems
  • Water saving devices and products
  • Eco-friendly landscape designs
  • Architectural & design services
  • Green roof systems and green walls
  • Eco-friendly materials for construction and fitting

Target Buyers : Government policy makers, urban planners and related NGOs
Manufacturers, designers, engineers looking for eco-friendly solutions to their production process and products
Chain stores, retailers, courier companies looking for eco-friendly packaging materials
Land developers looking for ecological landscape and construction designs
Consulting Engineers, Architects and Surveyors
Cleaning companies and management companies
Corporate Executives