Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hong Kong Sustainability Jam from 27 -30 OCT

''First-in-Hong-Kong Cooperative Gathering of people to use creativity and collective intelligence to solve world’s sustainability issues.''

Date:27 Oct 2011 - 30 Oct 2011
Time:48 hours

''The Global Sustainability Jam (GSJ)
is a global event where people from 27 countries around the world, gather in the same weekend in the year, to generate solutions for a more sustainable future.

Hong Kong Sustainability Jam 2011 is the local host in Hong Kong that brings passionate people of diverse background together to use creativity and collective intelligence to solve sustainability issues.

You will represent Hong Kong and be one of the international participants, together with participants in Madrid, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Milan, Oslo, London, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bangalore, Dubai, Melbourne and many other cities from 27 countries to develop proposals based on sustainability in 48 hours. Everyone is welcomed - including sustainability and environmental experts, professors,  government officials, Green NGO representatives, entrepreneurs, designers, working professionals, university students…''

Join Now! Get inspired! Register at: http://www.yesnetwork.org/gsj2011


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