Monday, October 24, 2011

Call for papers by Journal of Cleaner Production for a special issue addressing “Green Universities and Environmental Higher Education for Sustainable Development in China and Other Emerging Countries”

Since the 1990, two years before the formal adoption of Sustainable Development (SD) in Earth Summit, university leaders in developed countries have been covering research on environmental sustainability in higher education. On the contrary, only limited number of papers was based upon work conducted in the context of developing and emerging countries.

As important engines of the world economy, China and other emerging economies are playing a key role to solve global environmental challenges through their own pursuit of SD and environmental protection. Without doubt, academia should and will play a leading role in realizing SD in their respective countries.

Under this circumstance, there is a call for papers for a special issue addressing “Green Universities and Environmental Higher Education for Sustainable Development in China and Other Emerging Countries”

Preference will be given to ESD initiatives in China and other emerging countries, but western researchers are also welcome to contribute their latest findings for comparisons.

Important remarks for summiting inputs for this special issue:

  • Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of 200-300 words using Elsevier’s EES system (Link) for the Journal by February 29, 2012. 
  • By March 30, 2012, the editorial team will evaluate all extended abstracts and invite authors of accepted abstracts to develop full papers. The full papers should be submitted by July 30, 2012 via EES system. 
  • Manuscripts should not be more than 8000 words and will be refereed according to the normal peer review process of Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • All accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION in early 2013.

Members of the editorial team for the JCLP special issue include:
Dr. Yutao Wang (Shandong University)
Professor Renqing Wang (Shandong University)
Assistant Professor Shi Han (City University of Hong Kong)
Associate Professor Lars Hansson (Lund University)
Associate Professor Jian Liu (Shandong University)
Professor Weihua Guo (Shandong University)
Professor Canzhu Gao (Shandong University)
Professor Jinglan Hong (Shandong University)

For more info and full text of the document: Download


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