Saturday, October 29, 2011

Seminar on "The Architecture of World Oil: An Elementary Update"

Speaker: Professor Ferdinand E. Banks, Uppsala University, Sweden

Date:   2 NOV 2011 (TUE)
Time:   3:30pm to 5:00pm
Venue: ESI Conference Room
             29 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
             Block A #10-01
             Singapore 119620

Please send your name, organisation and email address via the ESI website (Link) .
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Jan Lui at 65162000.

About the seminar:'The purpose of this seminar is to discuss some important characteristics of the world oil scene from the evolution of OPEC to the present, particularly the movement of the oil price. Special attention will be given to the various oil price spikes/shocks, the sustained oil price rise of 2008, the decline (and unexpected) recovery of the oil price, as well as the physical (or geopolitical) peaking of the global oil supply. The relationship between the price of oil and the global macroeconomy will also be explored, plus the role that speculation has played in the oil market. This seminar is based on an article that Professor Banks is writing for Energy Science and Technology.'

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