Monday, October 24, 2011

BEC Breakfast Briefing on 25 Oct: Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index

Event Date:25 October, 2011 (Tuesday)
Event Time:8:00am - 9:30am
Venue:American Club
Contact:Ms Atta Tong
The Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index (“HSSUS”) is a cross-market index that covers outstanding sustainability leaders in Hong Kong and the Mainland. Since its launch in July 2010, the Index has provided vital benchmark for accessing socially responsible investments as well as identifying the leading brands in sustainability. 

The Index was reviewed for the first time in 2011. With constituent companies either joining or leaving the HSSUS, the Business Environment Council have invited speakers to give views on the latest development on the Index, as well as to share their experiences, in particular the challenges and opportunities to be ‘re-listed’ for the second year.


8:15amThe Latest Development of the HSSUS
Mr Vincent Kwan, Director and General Manager
Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited
8:40amThe Business Case in Sustainability Leadership
Ms Evelyn Chan, Environmental Projects Manager
Cathay Pacific Airways
9:05amThe Benefits and Know-how of Sustainable and Responsible Investment
Dr Margaret Burnett, Head – Corporate Sustainability
Business Environment Council
Registration Fee: HKD385 for non BEC members, HKD320 for BEC members

Application form: Download


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