Thursday, October 20, 2011

Forum on "The Air We Breathe 3: A Pan-PRD Dialogue on Marine Emissions" by Civic Exchange

Date:       12 NOV 2011 (SAT)
Time:       9:30am-12:30pm (registration from 9:00am)
Location: YMCA – 3/F South Tower, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Language:       With simultaneous interpretation on Cantonese and English
Registration    The event is free of charge, but registration is essential as spaces are limited.

"Despite the emissions from ships and port activity account for insignificant proportion of regional air pollution than other sources, the busy shipping and dense population density in the Hong Kong – Pearl River Delta (HK - PRD) means that people there suffer severe air pollution than any other regions in the world. In order to address this challenge effectively, addressing emissions from vessels across HK-PRD region is essential. 

 Funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Environment Conservation Fund, the Civic Exchange is going to hold a forum called The Air We Breathe 3: A Pan-PRD Dialogue on Marine Emissions on 12 NOV 2011. This forum brings together scientists, government officials, business leaders and academics from around the world to discuss reducing vessel emissions in the HK-PRD region and around the world."


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