Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vietnamese Updates: VAST NANO Technology - solution for treatment of arsenic in water (10 Jul 2013)

VAST NANO Technology - solution for treatment of arsenic in water 
Thứ tư, ngày 10 tháng 07 năm 2013 cập nhật lúc 04:02

Arsenic contamination in ground water is increasing; recently, scientists in the Inorganic Chemistry Department- Institute forChemistry Studies have studied and applied Nano VAST technology for treatment of arsenic and mental in water. This is considered to be aeffective economic and secured solution.

Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Vietnam is dangerous problem. According to the WHO, approximately 15 million people in Vietnam(nearly one fifth of the population) may face the potential risk of arsenic poisoning because of using polluted water which is not thoroughly treated. The level of pollution in Ha Nam, Hanoi, Hung Yen, Ha Tay, Vinh Phuc, Long An, Dong Thap, An Giang and Kien Giang is particularly high. Therefore, the removal of arsenic and heavy metals in water became urgent needs. It requires an effective and suitable technologysolution consistent with Vietnam's practice.

In Vietnam, the study of arsenic removal for water has been carried out for long, however, in general there is no technology or material whichproved its dominance in treating arsenic in water in both family scale and industry scale. Oxidization and treatment of manganese and iron in groundwater is the main technology. This classic technology removes a small amount of arsenic in water.

Layouts of the Nano VAST technology
To find a solution for arsenic treatment, recently, scientists in Department of Inorganic Chemistry - Institute for Chemistry Studies hassuccessfully built a water treatment system for arsenic and heavy metal contamination using Nano VAST technology. This technology uses twotypes of advanced arsenic adsorbents of  NC- F20 and NC- MF which are produce in Vietnam. NC- F20 and NC- MF’s dominantadvantage is that adsorption is at a fast pace with very high capacity.  

Nano Vast system has been deployed in a clinic in Nhan Khang commune, Ly Nhan, Ha Nam district. The system is able to remove arsenic from200 ppb to less than 5 ppb (standard is 10 ppb) with a capacity of 1.5 m3 per hour. The system is designed in two modes and easy to adjust automatically or manually. Up to now, Nano Vast system has been developed and replicated in many localities with a capacity of 0.8 m3/h,1.2 m3 / h and 1.5 m3 / h.

(a) Nano VAST system with a capacity of 1.5 m3 / h was installed in a clinic in Nhan Khang commune, Ly Nhan, Ha Nam province (b) Nano VAST system with a capacity of 1.2 m3 / h treating arsenic contaminated water has been installed in Trung Yen - Ha Noi
 Mr. Pham Van Lam - Department of Inorganic Chemistry Institute for Chemistry Studies, manager of research project said that the disadvantage of the Nano VAST which is connected with common pretreatment system (oxidation, sedimentation, filtration) system is that the system stillgenerates solid residue (in the tank) contain high concentrations of arsenic.  The costs will be increased because of expensive equipments.Currently, with the desire to limit these disadvantages, scientists connect Nano VAST technology with SAR technology (Subterranean ArsenicRemoval).  If this experiment successes, it will pave the way for a promising new direction in the field of water treatment to ensure safetyfor the community. It also creates a foundation for a flexible, high efficient, save and environmentally friendly technology.




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