Sunday, July 7, 2013

CSE Reports: Wind projects can adversely impact environment (6 Jul 2013)

Wind projects can adversely impact environment: CSE report
Last Updated: Saturday, July 06, 2013, 10:22

Wind projects can adversely impact environment: CSE report

Pune: Noting that forest land was being acquired by the wind power industry on a larger scale, an environment report has warned that this could have an adverse impact on the local ecology. 

Construction of roads in forest areas can cause "liner fragmentation" resulting in soil erosion and also hindering migration of animals, the report prepared by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), points out. 

Underlining the necessity of a mandatory environmental impact assessment (EAI), the study states that the demand for forest land for wind power projects had increased considerably during the last seven year with Maharashtra accounting for 31 per cent of the allotted land. 

According to the study, wind projects set up on forest land and hilly areas can have a greater impact on water resources and ecology as compared to those in plains. 

Those projects situated near human settlement can have disturbing effect on the population with the noise and shadow flicker from the commercial wind turbines with a height of 100-150 meters. 

Among animals, bats can be affected because of the changing air pressure around wind turbines, the report states. 

Documenting environmental impact of wind projects in various parts of the country, it has also recommended sharing of benefits with the local population including the first right to the power generated by wind energy projects. 




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