Thursday, July 18, 2013

Events: World Water Week: Eye on Asia organized by ADB from 1-6 Sep 2013

World Water Week: Eye on Asia
Stockholm, Sweden : 1 September 2013 - 6 September 2013

Since 2008 during World Water Week, ADB and its partners have been organizing "Eye on Asia," a day-long set of activities that promote a better understanding of water issues in the region and the efforts of governments and development agencies to address them.

World Water Week, hosted and organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute, has been the annual focal point for the globe's water issues since 1991. Each year, World Water Week addresses a particular theme to enable a deeper examination of a specific water-related topic. The theme for 2013 is "Water Cooperation - Building Partnerships."

ADB's Eye on Asia event this year, on Tuesday 3 September, will focus on partnerships for water security with "New players, smarter rules, better outcomes." ADB's Asian Water Development Outlook 2013 shows that water security in much of the region is low and urgent action is required. Eye on Asia will mobilize leading stakeholders from Asia and the Pacific regions to examine different perspectives, identify water management options, and build new partnerships to advance water security for all.

Eye on Asia aims to help participants understand how proactive action can move the water security agenda forward in the basins of the region, and that by building bridges between diverse groups, and sometimes conflicting objectives, new synergies can be obtained.

Eye on Asia is organized by ADB, Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF), International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Global Water Partnership (GWP) and WWF.

Political leaders, government agencies, private sector, civil society, academia, media, development partners and investors will be invited to participate.


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