Saturday, July 6, 2013

Vietnamese Updates: Da Nang: high level of biodiversity (2 Jul 2013)

Da Nang: high level of biodiversity 
Thứ ba, ngày 02 tháng 07 năm 2013 cập nhật lúc 06:12

Thanks to its diversified microclimates and topographyDa Nang is one of the rare cities in the world in biodiversity. This city is a convergence of diverse systems of forestssea and rivers with over 1,200sq. km including Hoang Sa island district. Its forest area accounts for nearly 50%, and 1,000 hectares of​​ rivers basin and low landThe city has two natural reserves Son Tra and Ba Na - Nui Chua. Moreover, it possesses Nam Hai Van landscape protectiona part of the Truong Son ecological region - one of the world’s 200 eco-regions where are home of many unique species.

Nestled on the east side of the city, the Son Tra Peninsula is home to 985 species of vascular plants and 287 animal species.  Most notably, 22 rare plant and 15 rare animal species are being protected.  One example of a protected rare animal species on the peninsula is the red-shanked douc langur, a type of monkey which is considered a preserved symbol of the peninsula. Located in the west of the cityBa Na - Nui Chua nature Reserve consists of 5 different habitatsThere are 750 species of fauna and flora which are indigenous to the north and the south of the country.

According to a research group of Mr. Le Vu Khoi (National University - Hanoi), Mr. Vo Van Phu, (Hue University of Science), Mr. Nguyen Dinh Lam (Hoa Vang District People's Committee Office, Da Nang) among 77 species  in Ba Na - Nui Chua nature reserve there are 27 rare species.25 out of 27 species listed in the Red Data Book of Vietnam (2007), 21 species in the IUCN Red List (2002), 26 species in the Government's Decree 32/ND-CP.  Now, however, a number of rare species are facing danger of distinction. Many species have been recorded in the Vietnam’s Red Book and a number of species having high economic value such as Indochinese tiger (coberti pantera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), deer (Cervus unicolor), sun bear (Ursus malayanus).

Among the rare species, there is the red-shanked douc which is endemic species of Vietnam. Its population is native in Son Tra Nature Reserve and in Ba Na. However, due to the exploitation of forest in Ba Na, the red-shanked douc resides here but the individuals are not so high. The cause of the decline in the number of animals in Ba Nam is that they are caught by traps and hunted illegally. Hundreds noosetraps and trap are set in the mountain’s slope  in order to catch animals.

It can be said that few cities in the world are blessed like Da Nang. So, fighting against the extinction of rare animals and destruction of rare plants, it is necessary to establish powerful sanctions to fine violations as well as the positive response of the media in propagating awareness of the Da Nang residents. That would limit the decline of biodiversity and help conservation and development of endangered wildlife species. To do this, Da Nang will become Environment City in 2020.

Mai Chi



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