Friday, February 1, 2013

Events: International River Festival 2013 in Bandrabhaan(Bhopal), India (8-10 Feb 2013)

International River Festival 2013
Bandrabhaan(Bhopal), India
About International River Festival (IRF)
River Narmada, as you know, is central to the cultural, social and economic life of the central and western parts of the country. But like other rivers in the country, it is also facing the twin problems of decreasing flow, including from its tributaries and increasing pollution.
As its very name suggests, the Narmada Samagra, a non-political platform, has been working with a holistic approach to make the river pollution-free, check soil erosion in its catchment areas, and develop the region as a spiritual domain and not merely a place of amusement or tourism. The organisation has also been striving hard to ensure that the volume of water in Narmada, and its quality must match the levels obtaining at the time of Independence or even better.
To achieve this end, we have been organising various events and programmes and working at the ground level with its stakeholders. Of these, INTERNATIONAL RIVER FESTIVAL (IRF) is a biennial event held at the banks of the Narmada. The third such festival will be held at the confluence of Narmada and Tawa, at Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh) from February 8 to 10, 2013.

We are pleased to aver that our efforts in the past have started yielding results and various state governments have taken some cogent steps in right direction. Equally important is the involvement of millions of people who love and revere the river Narmada. Besides aastha (the faith), their involvement now emanates from their concern for the river.
We, however, believe that this mission can succeed only by building a sustained partnership between governments, society, institutions, environmental groups, scientists, and the media. This essentially includes those individuals and organisations working on other rivers in the country, and may be even abroad.
Venue :

Bandrabhan, the confluence of Narmada and Tawa river,
District Hoshangabad, M.P., India

Geographical Address: 22°47'46"N 77°47'9"E

Bandrabhan is confluence of two main Rivers of India, Narmada and Tawa, its main tributary.

Narmada occupies a special place in social and spiritual worlds. Its environs are conductive for Sadhna, the devouts believe. Several festivals and celebrations are held throughout the year on different occassions. International River Festival, held here every two years, has added a new dimension to these festivals.

Dates :

8th, 9th, 10th Feb 2013

Contact us

Organizing Committee IRF '13

Narmada Samagra "Nadi Ka Ghar", Senior MIG-2,
Ankur Colony, Shivaji Nagar,
Bhopal - 462 016, M.P., INDIA

Tel. : +91 755 2460754,
+91 755 2553283

E-mail :,
For more information:


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