Thursday, February 21, 2013

Events: Global Trends 2030: Demographic and Environmental Changes and the Future of International Security organized by Wilson Center and Global Sustainability and Resilience Program on 26 Feb 2013


Global Trends 2030: Demographic and Environmental Changes and the Future of International Security

February 26, 2013 // 10:00am — 12:00pm
Global Sustainability and Resilience Program
Coming Soon
There will be a live webcast of this event.
Demographic and environmental trends will help shape global security by 2030, according to the National Intelligence Council’s (NIC) Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report, the latest in the NIC’s series of quadrennial reports on future security trends. Principal author Mathew Burrows will discuss the report’s findings and the increasingly interconnected nature of the major trends shaping international affairs. Jack Goldstone will offer an in-depth look at demographic stresses in the coming years. Steven Gale will discuss how USAID is tackling some of these emerging development trends and gearing up to make futures analysis more integral to its strategic planning process.
Want to attend but can’t? Tune into the live or archived webcast (not every event is webcast live; archived webcasts go up approximately one week after the meeting date). You can also join the conversation on Twitter by following @NewSecurityBeat and find related coverage on our blog at
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To attend, please RSVP with your name and affiliation. Media guests, including TV crews, are welcome and should RSVP directly tokatharine.diamond@wilsoncenter.orgMedia bringing heavy electronic equipment – such as video cameras – MUST indicate this in their response, so they may be cleared through our building security and allowed entrance. Failure to indicate your intention to bring video cameras 24 hours before the event may result in being denied access to the Wilson Center building, please err toward responding if you would like to attend.
Location: Woodrow Wilson Center at the Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW ("Federal Triangle" stop on Blue/Orange Line), 6th Floor Flom Auditorium. A map to the Center is available at Photo identification is required. Please allow additional time to pass through security.
6th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center
Event Speakers List: 
  • Senior Advisor for Strategic Opportunities, U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Political Demography Consultant, Environmental Change and Security Program; Demographer-in-Residence, The Stimson Center

For more information: 


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