Monday, February 25, 2013

Publications: Climate Risks, Vulnerability and Governance in Kenya: A review by Jo-Ellen Parry, Daniella Echeverría, Julie Karami-Dekens, Joseph Maitima, IISD, 2012 (23 Feb 2013)

IISD Publications Centre

Climate Risks, Vulnerability and Governance in Kenya: A review

» Jo-Ellen ParryDaniella EcheverríaJulie Karami-Dekens, Joseph Maitima, IISD, 2012.Paper, 83 pages, copyright: UNDP
Climate-related risks adversely affect the lives and livelihoods of the people of Kenya and threaten the country’s near- and long-term development prospects. To analyze how Kenya’s capacity to prevent, manage and recover from disasters and adapt to the impacts of climate change could be strengthened, this desk-based review summarizes:
  • Kenya’s vulnerability to climate risks given current progress toward meeting its defined development goals.
  • Kenya’s exposure to climate risks historically, and how these risks might change in the future given available climate change projections.
  • The degree to which key sectors of the Kenyan economy and particular groups are vulnerable to existing and future climate risks.
  • Kenya’s current capacity to address climate risks given its policy framework, institutional arrangements, information availability, ongoing projects and capacity needs.
The paper concludes by providing sector-specific recommendations to address knowledge gaps and general recommendations to strengthen response capacity.
This paper was produced as part of the Climate Risk Management Technical Assistance Support Project funded by the United Nations Development Programme.


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