Monday, February 18, 2013

Publications: LCS-RNet complied the latest research results and findings in Climate Policy (international journal) edited by Jim Skea, Jean-Charles Horcade, S. Lechtenbohmer (Feb 2013)

LCS-RNet/International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies

LCS-RNet complied the latest research results and findings in Climate Policy (international journal)
climate_policy_journal.pngLCS-RNet complied the latest research results and findings of climate policies based on scientific evidence in the special issue of the leading international, peer-reviewed journal on responses to climate change, "Climate Policy: Low Carbon Drivers for a Sustainable World, " Climate Policy Special Issue Volume 13, Supplement 1 2013 .

Vol13, Supplement 01, 2013 editorial:
Climate policies in a changing world context: is a paradigm shift needed?
Guest Editors: Jim Skea, Jean-Charles Horcade, S. Lechtenbohmer

The paper (Climate Policy Special Issue):
Editorial (English version): (free download)

The Special Issue addresses various perspectives of global vision to achieve low carbon growth and development, the link between low-carbon development, sustainable development and the environment, and the role of technology, behaviour and societal dynamics in promoting change. This Issue includes analysis of financial system and policy determinants for a transition towards a low carbon society, potentials for China to support global 2 degree target of the Cancun agreement, recommendations for mitigation policy in Brazil, impact to investment risk for the development of low-carbon technologies in England, transportation policy designing settlements so as to reduce mobility needs, low carbon policy in Germany to decarbonise its electricity system without recourse to nuclear power or CCS.

Articles in the special issue include:
Climate policies in a changing world context: is a paradigm shift needed?
Jim Skea, Jean-Charles Hourcade & S. Lechtenböhmer
A low-carbon society: global visions, pathways, and challenges
Mikiko Kainuma, Kyoko Miwa, Tomoki Ehara, Osamu Akashi & Yumiko Asayama
Triggering the low-carbon transition in the aftermath of the global financial crisis
Jean-Charles Hourcade & Priyadarshi Shukla
Climate policies after Fukushima: three views
Jim Skea, Stefan Lechtenböhmer & Jusen Asuka
China's role in attaining the global 2°C target
Kejun Jiang, Xing Zhuang, Ren Miao & Chenmin He
Brazil beyond 2020: from deforestation to the energy challenge
Emilio Lèbre La Rovere, Carolina Burle Dubeux, Amaro Olimpio Pereira Jr & William Wills
Investment risk and return under renewable decarbonization of a power market
José I. Muñoz & Derek W. Bunn
The transportation sector and low-carbon growth pathways: modelling urban, infrastructure, and spatialdeterminants of mobility
Henri-David Waisman, Celine Guivarch & Franck Lecocq
The transition of the electricity system towards decarbonization: the need for change in the market regime
Dominique Finon
Decarbonization and regulation of Germany's electricity system after Fukushima
Stefan Lechtenböhmer & Hans-Jochen Luhmann
Achieving a low-carbon society
John Reilly

For more information; 


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