Friday, February 1, 2013

HK's Updates: Participation key to conservation --- Injection of $5 billion into the Environment & Conservation Fund (30 Jan 2013)

Participation key to conservation

January 30, 2013
The full participation of Hong Kong people is key to successful environmental protection, Secretary for the Environment KS Wong said today.

Speaking on the Federation of Youth Groups’ online@M21 website today, Mr Wong highlighted four major concerns from the 2013 Policy Address - clean air, solid waste management, low carbon living and ecological conservation.

He said the Government will inject $5 billion into the Environment & Conservation Fund to promote public awareness of the need for environmental protection, and to build up a green community.

While reiterating the importance of waste reduction at source, Mr Wong said the Government will release a waste management blueprint in the first quarter, analysing data in order to prioritise tasks. For example, as 40% of waste disposed of in landfills is food related, the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign was launched at the end of last year in collaboration with hotels, restaurants, wet markets and supermarkets to find solutions by the first quarter of this year.

Mr Wong noted each Hong Kong resident produces 1.36kg of refuse daily, while people in Tokyo and Seoul only produce 1kg per day. He said landfill extension is inevitably a consideration when addressing the waste problem, although he hopes they will not need to be extended in the coming few decades.

Turning to the environmental levy on plastic shopping bags, Mr Wong said the Government will table the scheme’s second phase for discussion in the Legislative Council as soon as possible, with the aim to introduce a quantity-based waste-charging system. He hopes this will prompt the public to reduce waste.



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