Saturday, January 19, 2013

Vietnamese Updates: Due to climate change, Hanoi to suffer from seawater intrusion in 50 years (16 Jan 2013)

Due to climate change, Hanoi to suffer from seawater intrusion in 50 years Thứ tư, ngày 16 tháng 01 năm 2013 cập nhật lúc 12:48

            Global warming and ever-rising sea level will largely affect the Northern plains. According to forecasts, in about 40 - 50 years, Hanoi will be severely influenced by climate change. The most obvious consequence of the situation is land subsidence and the gradual encroachment of the sea.
Land subsidence and seawater intrusion

            According to the study of land subsidence surface due to changes in the water table by the Institute of Science and Technology and Economic construction Hanoi, during the last 1.000 years, the ground level of the city has been lowered from 4 to 4.5 m. At present, Thanh Cong, Giang Vo, Phap Van and Thanh Tri are the areas subsiding with the greatest speed.

            Dr. Luong Quoc Huy from the National Committee on Climate Change said, many areas of Hanoi are currently subsiding from 1 to 4 cm / year. In 100 years, many parts of the ground in Hanoi will be lowered from 1 to 4 m compared to the current ground level. Forecasts show that in the next 100 years, sea level will rise 1 meter higher than the present level. Therefore, locations where land subsides for 1 m will be as low as sea level. Meanwhile, such areas as Thanh Cong, Giang Vo, which subsides from 2m to 4m, will be from 1m to 3m under sea level.

            In addition, seawater flowing into the Red River will substantially overflow it and eventually turn it into a broad bay from 3-4 km deep into the mainland.

            In particular, some areas in the South of Hanoi, for instance, Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen, Thuong Tin, will be affected by seawater and submerged at high tide in the next 50 years. Therefore, according to Mr.Huy, when planning big buildings in the South of the city, it is important to heighten house foundation from 3m - 5 m. The large buildings can be designed to use only from the second floor.

Extreme climate change impacts

            According to the National Committee on Climate Change, climate change will affect most areas of the city with extreme consequences. While the lower areas will be flooded, higher regions will suffer from drought. Residential areas will be flooded from 1-5m and there would possibly be prolonged flooding when storms occur. It is estimated that about 70,000 households with 300,000 people will be affected in areas, such as Son Tay, My Duc, Chuong My, Ha Dong, Hoang Mai, Thanh Tri, Tu Liem ... In contrast, a part of Thach That District, Ba Vi, Soc Son of about 50,000 households with 200,000 people will be in the area of ​​drought.

            Consequently, at the moment, it is recommended that the city have appropriate responding plans to prepare for the near future. Development programs and plans of the capital should be integrated with adaptation to climate change and rising sea level, combined with propaganda activities and awareness education for the people.


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