Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Book: Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems edited by Christian Messier, Klaus J. Puettmann, K. David Coates (22 Jan 2013)

Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems

Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change

Edited by Christian MessierKlaus J. PuettmannK. David Coates

Published 22nd January 2013 by Routledge – 368 pages

This book links the emerging concepts of complexity, complex adaptive system (CAS) and resilience to forest ecology and management. It explores how these concepts can be applied in various forest biomes of the world with their different ecological, economic and social settings, and history. Individual chapters stress different elements of these concepts based on the specific setting and expertise of the authors. Regions and authors have been selected to cover a diversity of viewpoints and emphases, from silviculture and natural forests to forest restoration, and from boreal to tropical forests.
The chapters show that there is no single generally applicable approach to forest management that applies to all settings. The first set of chapters provides a global overview of how complexity, CAS and resilience theory can benefit researchers who study forest ecosystems. A second set of chapters provides guidance for managers in understanding how these concepts can help them to facilitate forest ecosystem change and renewal (adapt or self-organize) in the face of global change while still delivering the goods and services desired by humans. The book takes a broad approach by covering a variety of forest biomes and the full range of management goals from timber production to forest restoration to promote the maintenance of biodiversity, quality of water, or carbon storage.

1. Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Introductory Concepts and Applications
Klaus J Puettmann, Christian Messier and K. David Coates
2. An Introduction to Complexity Science
Lael Parrott and Holger Lange
3. Tropical Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems
Robin L. Chazdon and Juan Pablo Arroyo
4. Complexity in Temperate Forest Dynamics
Sybille Haeussler, Charles D Canham and K. David Coates
5. Exploring Complexity in Boreal Forests
Philip J. Burton
6. Forest Restoration in a Changing World: Complexity and Adaptation Examples from the Great Lakes Region of North America
Meredith Cornett and Mark White
7. Meta-networks of Fungi, Fauna and Flora as Agents of Complex Adaptive Systems
Suzanne Simard, Kathy Martin, Alan Vyse and Bruce Larson
8. Complexity Confronting Tropical Silviculturists
Francis Putz
9. Is Close-to-Nature Forest Management in Europe Compatible with Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Forest Ecosystems?
Jürgen Bauhus, Klaus J. Puettmann, Christian Kühne
10. Mediterranean Forests: Human Use And Complex Adaptive Systems
Susanna Nocentini and Lluis Coll
11. Fennoscandian Boreal Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Properties, Management Challenges and Opportunities
Timo Kuuluvainen and Juha Siitonen
12. Management of Tasmanian Eucalypt Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems
Sue Baker
13. Managing Tree Plantations as Complex Adaptive Systems
Alain Paquette and Christian Messier
14. A New Integrative Framework for Understanding and Managing the World Forest: The Complex Adaptive System
Christian Messier, Klaus J. Puettmann and K. David Coates

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