Saturday, January 26, 2013

Events: Strengthening Responses to Climate Variability in South Asia organized by The Wilson Center (7 Feb 2013)


Strengthening Responses to Climate Variability in South Asia

February 07, 2013 // 9:00am — 10:30am
Asia Program
Droughts, floods, and varying monsoon rains are not a recent phenomenon in South Asia. For centuries, farmers, fishermen, and others dependent on the weather for their livelihoods have adapted to periods of environmental hardship. However, the current combination of unsustainable resources use, inadequate national policies, and intensifying climate and environmental change threaten to overwhelm existing adaptive capabilities. Recognizing this, International Alert conducted case studies in Nepal, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh to illustrate current levels of risk and resilience to environmental change at the village level. Join us for a discussion of their micro-level findings, emerging trends across South Asia, and implications for policy at the national and local levels.
5th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center

Event Speakers List: 

For more information:


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