Saturday, January 19, 2013

Events: Planning from a Regional Perspective organized by HKCU (07-02-2013)

Planning from a Regional Perspective (07-02-2013)

Speaker: Ms Chan Hau-ying, Margaret
Time: 1630-1800
Date: 7 Feb 2013
Venue: Room 233 Wang Foo Yuan Building Chung Chi College
Language: English

Over the years, our society has developed a growing interest in regional planning matters. This is also true for the Planning Department. Back in 2008, with a view to better understanding the closer socio-economic interaction between Hong Kong and the neighbouringcities, the Department has restructured its Transport Studies and Central Data (TrD) Section into the Cross-boundary Infrastructure and Development (CID) Section, placing a clearer focus on cross-boundary issues.
Through this seminar, the speaker wishes to introduce to the audience some of the major tasks undertaken by the CID Section of the Planning Department, including a biennial Cross-boundary Travel Survey on the characteristics of cross-boundary trips and trip makers, cross-boundary infrastructure planning, and maintenance of a database on the cross-boundary planning and infrastructure information. In addition, she also wishes to exchange views with the audience on the top trends and concerns about planning in the regional context. 

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