Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Conference: CIWEM Annual Conference: Water & Environment 2013

CIWEM Annual Conference

Water & Environment 2013

The key event for water and environment professionals
10th and 11th April 2013
The Royal Geographical Society, London
This conference has received the approval of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and will contribute to your CPD

Book your place here

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In 2013 the CIWEM Annual Conference will take a different direction with a new venue - The Royal Geographical Society - and a new approach to the speaker programme.
The conference programme will have one stream of offered and invited papers, plus inspiring keynote speakers, covering the practical reality of sustainably delivering water and environmental management.

We will be building on the successes of previous events to make this the must attend event for the water and environment sector.

Call for ideas and offered papers
What topics would you like to see covered?
The aim of the conference is to challenge and inspire the water and environment community by sharing knowledge, networking and best practice, which is at the heart of meeting key global challenges.
We are seeking ideas and offers of papers on topics including (but not exclusively):
  • Water management - water resources, water quality, wastewater management, integrated water resource management
  • Flooding, urban drainage, surface water management, and the integration of water and flood management
  • Environment sector policy, legislation and regulation, the political process, influencing Government "direction"
  • Case Studies - European/International - global exemplars of brilliant and inspiring practice
  • The environment sector in times of austerity, investment and innovation; the opportunities and challenges of greening the economy
  • Integration and partnership working
  • Climate change and sustainability; mitigation and adaptation, global water security and interactions with energy, food and carbon
  • Valuing the environment and ecosystem goods and services
This conference is looking for speakers to inspire and demonstrate ideas andinnovations that will enable us to achieve a greener and more sustainable future. As noted above the programme will be made up of offered and invited speakers.
Please pass your ideas and speaker proposals to Lauren Goozee, Events Officer, CIWEM.
We will be putting the programme together from mid-October.

Conference Dinner, 10th April 2013, Gilgamesh Restaurant
Hosted by
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A further opportunity to network with industry peers and experts. We will be returning to the fantastic Gilgamesh Restaurant Bar and Lounge. Set in the heart of Stables Market in Camden, Gilgamesh is a critically acclaimed pan-Asian restaurant, hosted by celebrated Head Chef Ian Pengelley. Tickets for this great networking event will be on sale soon.

Sponsorship Packages:
There are two main packages for the Annual Conference - 'Headline Sponsor' and 'Sponsor' packages. Full details can downloaded from the 2013 Sponsorship Packages document (see page documents column).
Both packages are generous and have a number of benefits in terms of promotion and profile.
If you have any questions regardingsponsorship please contact Lauren Goozee, Events Officer.

Media Partners:
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Previous Event
Water & Environment 2012: CIWEM's Annual Conference
Green Revolution: are we there yet?
In March 2012 CIWEM held its annual two day conference Water and Environment 2012 which focused on the theme 'Green Revolution' and considered our progress towards achieving this in terms of a green economy, green jobs and low-carbon living.
The conference addressed multidisciplinary issues across all areas of the global water and environment sector and highlighted a number of the challenges facing us today including climate change, population growth, consumption, flood risk management and water resource management.
Read the conference report here and the speaker presentations here

For more information:


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