Friday, November 16, 2012

Event: UNEP Roundtable Launch for 3rd Emissions Gap Report

Event: UNEP Roundtable Launch for 3rd Emissions Gap Report
UNEP’s Emissions Gap Report series aims to inform governments and the global community on how the response to climate change has progressed and whether the world is on track to meet established climate change goals. Roundtable discussion for the launch of UNEP’s 3rd Emissions Gap Report is set for Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 at the UN House in Brussels, a week prior to the UNFCCC COP18 Climate Change Conference in Doha.

The first emissions gap report was launched in November 2010. The report was a result of a partnership between UNEP and individuals from 25 leading research centers. It evaluates the progress of two pledges from the Copenhagen Accord of 2009: limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees centigrade in the 21st Century and promoting the development of a Green Economy. The report’s analysis focused on where global emissions need to be in the next 10 years in line with the 2 degrees centigrade limit. The report relayed that if the highest ambitions of all the countries associated with Copenhagen Accord were to be implemented and supported, the annual emissions of greenhouse gases could be cut by an average of 7 gigatons (Gt) of CO2 equivalent by 2020. Without significant policy changes and implementation from states, emissions could rise to around 56 Gt of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2020. The report emphasized that tackling climate change is possible if states show significant leadership on climate change financing, mitigation, and adaptation. It underlined that in order to have a likely chance of keeping within the 2°C limit this century, emissions in 2020 should not be higher than 44 Gt of CO2 equivalent.

In November, 2001, the second Emissions Gap Report evaluated the progress of climate-related commitments. The analysis in this report took into account information from climate modeling centers working alongside the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It indicated that the emissions gap had increased from 5 Gt to 6 Gt. However, this second report maintained an ambitious tone by arguing that greater leadership and ambition could still bridge the gap and dramatically increase the chances of avoiding dangerous climate change. Indeed, there was abundant evidence that emission reductions of between 14 to 20 Gt of CO2 equivalent were possible by 2020 even without significant technical or financial breakthroughs. This was confirmed by actions across key sectors ranging from electricity production, industry, and transport to construction, forestry, agriculture, and waste management.

To attend the launch of the third emissions gap report, register here


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