Friday, November 9, 2012

Publication: Managing the transition towards a low-carbon economy: A case study of Guangdong-Hong Kong Energy Collaboration on the Development of Renewable Energy

Working Papers

Working Paper 17
Managing the transition towards a low-carbon economy: 

A case study of Guangdong-Hong Kong Energy Collaboration 
on the Development of Renewable Energy

Authors: Daphne Mah 1, Jasper Ip 2 and Peter Hills3
Author Affiliation:
 1 Assistant Professor, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University and Chair Professor, The Kadoorie Institute, The University of Hong Kong

Year of Publication: 2012


Technological innovations such as renewable energy, smart grids and electric vehicles can play a key role in low-carbon energy economies. However, the effectiveness of efforts to facilitate the diffusion of such environmental-related technological innovation has remained largely explored. Using a case study of the development of renewable energy in the Hong Kong-Guangdong region in China, this paper explores to what extent and how regional energy collaboration can contribute to technological innovation. First, we examine the relationships between regional energy governance and technological innovation. We identify three dimensions that might affect such technological innovation at a regional scale. These dimensions are the potential collaborative benefits, prioritised options and perceived barriers. Secondly, this study adopts a bottom-up engagment approach, using data drawn from a desktop study and a series of stakeholder engagement activities. Our analysis provides valuable insights into the perceptions of major stakeholders in this issue. Thirdly, our study offers policy recommendations on how to improve regional energy governance. A recognition of the need to adopt a regional and systemic approach, a joint vision, more effective regional energy institutions, and a review of the existing regulatory frameworks are prioritised areas for policy change.

This paper is work-in-progress and the authors welcome constructive feedback. The paper should not be quoted without the permission of the authors. Correspondence to: email address of lead author "Daphne Mah"


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