Friday, November 9, 2012

HKU Lectures: SERVICE 100 Lecture Series

SL-2-03 SERVICE 100 Lecture Series

Lecture 1: Poverty, Justice and Social Responsibility

Date:                  12 November, 2012 (Monday)

Time:                 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Venue:              T6, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Speaker:           Dr. Stephen Frederick Fisher, Director General of Oxfam Hong Kong
Language:        English

Despite our affluence, there are still a lot of poor people in Hong Kong. What is poverty? There are two concepts of poverty: absolute poverty and relative poverty. The speaker will discuss these two concepts and some methods used to measure poverty, including the idea of a poverty line.
Poverty very often has deep-rooted causes. If the problem is analyzed in depth, we will find that poverty is usually caused by injustices in the economic or social system. Five types of poverty including elderly poverty, in-work poverty, women in poverty, inter-generational poverty and ethnic minority poverty will be covered.
The speaker will also talk about the philosophical idea of ‘social contract’ and why society has a moral obligation to help the poor. The concept of redistributive justice will also be discussed.


Lecture 2: Ethical Consumption and Social Enterprises in Hong Kong

Fullness Social Enterprises Society Limited is a pioneer in social enterprise in Hong Kong since 1987. In this lecture, Mr Ted Kwan will present the necessary ingredients that are vital to the success of social enterprises development in Hong Kong, which include ethical consumers, venture investors, government entrepreneurs and civic society. He will also show how interested individuals can participate directly in SE movement in Hong Kong.
Date:                 14 November, 2012 (Wednesday)
Time:                5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Venue:              Room CPD-1.21, Central Podium, Centennial Campus, HKU
Speaker:       Mr. Ted Kwan, Director of Fullness Social Enterprises Society Limited & Chair of Fullness Christian Social Enterprise Limited
Language:        Cantonese (simultaneous translation in English will be available)


Lecture 3: Corporate Responsibility in Solving Social Problems

Kerry Group Kuok Foundation began its work in rural mainland China in 2007 with the aim of addressing one of the most critical social problems of our time: the uneven distribution of opportunities. The talk will present the Foundation’s holistic approach in addressing poverty in rural villages and urban cities around mainland China and Hong Kong, in addition to the sharing of HKU team about its service trip to Jiangxi in late October.
Date:                 16 November, 2012 (Friday)
Time:                12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Venue:              KB726, Knowles Building, HKU
Speaker:           Dr. David J Pang, CEO of Kerry Group Kuok Foundation
Language:        English


Lecture 4: Living in Emergency - Stories of Doctors without Borders (Film Screening and Experience Sharing)

The movie follows four field doctors of  Médecins Sans Frontières as they struggle to provide emergency medical care under extreme conditions in the warzones of Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It reflects the reality of aid work that most people may not know – blood and sweat, tough decisions and hard consequences, laughter and tears, cigarettes and beer, arguments and all. The film screening will be followed by the experience sharing of Dr Ryan Ko, a field volunteer of MSF.
Date:                 16 November, 2012 (Friday)
Time:                6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Venue:              Room CPD-2.16, Central Podium, Centennial Campus, HKU
Speaker:           Dr. Ryan Ko, Surgeon and Field Volunteer of Médecins Sans Frontières
Language:        English


Students attend 3 of the above lectures will receive a SERVICE 100 AMBASSADOR – FundamentalCertificate.

Students who attend 3 of the SERVICE 100 Lecture activities AND three of the SERVICE 100 Workshopswill receive a SERVICE 100 AMBASSADOR – Advanced Certificate.

Enquiries: /  2857 8387


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