Monday, November 26, 2012

Publications:Assessment Of Learning Performance In Education For Sustainable Development: Investigating The Key Factors In Effective Educational Practice And Outcomes For Sustainable Development (A Study Of Good Practice Cases From The Regional Centres Of Expertise)

UNU-IAS/IGES Research Project on Monitoring and Evaluation of ESD

Assessment of Learning Performance in Education for Sustainable Development: Investigating the key factors in effective educational practice and outcomes for sustainable development  (A study of good practice cases from the Regional Centres of Expertise)Assessment Of Learning Performance In Education For Sustainable Development: Investigating The Key Factors In Effective Educational Practice And Outcomes For Sustainable Development (A Study Of Good Practice Cases From The Regional Centres Of Expertise)

Author: Ofei-Manu, Paul and Didham, Robert James|2012/11|190.|Publisher: IGES(Hayama)
Language: English|Publication Type: Policy Reports|ISBN/ISSN: 978-4-88788-117-4|Copyright: IGES

This report was developed as part of a series of three research publications on the research project led by UNU-IAS and IGES on monitoring and evaluation of education for sustainable development, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This report specifically focuses on the assessment of ESD learning performance. The information contained here within is based on primary research collected in collaboration with eleven Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on ESD from countries in East and Southeast Asia based on the main data collection method of good practice case reporting and supported by additional information collected during the two reporting and capacity building workshops.

The structure of the report is as follows:
• Section One consists of the introduction to the report. A background to relevant educational theories and learning approaches is presented in the form of a literature review. The important characteristics of ESD are then examined along with the nature of RCEs. This section also covers the methodology used in terms of the selection criteria developed, the method of data collection and the parameters measured.

• Section Two presents the good practice cases of the RCEs. Each case starts with a short background of the RCE, its structure and all of the initiatives that it is involved in. Following this overview of the RCE, a general description and background of the individual good practice case that was reported by the RCE is provided, and then the specific details addressed include the major objectives, focus and activities involved in the case, the benefits of the multi-stakeholder partnerships and the learning methodologies, approaches and strategies applied for the implementation of activities, the main outcomes and achievements of the RCE initiatives. Also, the major strengths/advantages, the primary weakness/constraints, and how the ESD initiative addresses the three pillars of sustainable development are also discussed.
• Section Three comprises: 1) a comparative analysis of the RCE cases on the basis of the educational/learning process and content of the parameters measured, 2) the conceptual background to the learning performance framework, the four elements and the elemental characteristics as well as a number of educational/learning theories and methods in which they are grounded, and 3) an attempt to link the practices from the various case studies with characteristics of the elements of the learning performance framework.
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