Monday, November 26, 2012

HKWMA Activities Updates: Forum on Challenges and Opportunities with Food Waste Management

Forum on Challenges and Opportunities with Food Waste Management

Activity leaflet:

Dear HKWMA Members,

Food waste management has been a topic of long debate in Hong Kong. Despite the total amount of
MSW disposed at landfills appears to have stabilized over the past several years, the amount of food
waste disposed has increased sharply in 2011.
If managed properly, the organic-rich food waste can be turned into valuable resources. Otherwise,
it can create public nuisance, burden on landfills as well as serious impact on greenhouse gas

The Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA) and the Environmental Division of the
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) have therefore decided to jointly organize a one-day
forum on Food Waste Management, drawing on the know-how from local and international experts.
The purpose of this forum is to provide a platform for the policy makers, government officials,
academies, consultants, engineering professionals and property management practitioners to
exchange views on food waste management policies, treatment technologies and management
practices, taken into account the unique constraints and circumstances in Hong Kong.
HKWMA members will enjoy a special 40% discount on forum fee at HK$300 (vs. HK$500 for

We are very pleased that Mr. K.S. Wong (Secretary for the Environment) has accepted our invitation
to deliver an opening speech at the Forum. Moreover, experts from Germany, Japan and Taiwan
have also confirmed that availability to share their experiences with us. HKWMA and HKIE are
also working very hard to select the final speakers to share their hands-on experiences and insight
with food waste treatment and management in Hong Kong.
We strongly encourage you to join this big event, and please stay tuned for our final announcement.
We look forward to seeing you there.

With my best regards,

Karel Haubourdin
HKWMA - Membership Secretary
Tel : (852) 2434.6326
Fax : (852) 2497.4290
Mobile : (852) 9862.8634
Email :

For more information:


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