Monday, November 26, 2012

Call for abstracts: 2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing by International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM2013) (Dec 15, 2012)

Call for abstracts


We kindly invite you to participate at the 2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing that will be conjointly organized by the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, and the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, taking place at Lisbon, Portugal, from June 26 to June 29, 2013. The Conference aims to provide a major international forum for academics, researchers and industrial partners to exchange ideas in the field of sustainable intelligent manufacturing and related topics. The conference expects to foster networking and collaboration among participants to advance the knowledge and identify major trends in the field.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Computer-aided green manufacturing
Eco-design and eco-innovation
Design for climate change
Inclusive design
Green manufacturing
Sustainable construction for the built environment
Green supply chain management
Green transportation
Renewable energy
Sustainable power engineering and renewable energy technologies
Reuse, remanufacturing, disassembly and recycling techniques
Sustainable packaging solutions
Smart manufacturing
Reverse logistics and product recovery
Smart and sustainable materials
Life-cycle engineering and assessment
Energy efficiency in manufacturing
Smart design for sustainability
Sustainable technology innovation
Sustainable factory planning and scheduling
Sustainable business models
Zero-waste production
Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
Resource Efficient Cities

 SIM conference is being organized to be a high quality conference and an outstanding board of Scientific Committee members to ensure a high academic standard of published papers.

Important Dates:

 Abstract Submission Deadline   15 December 2012
 Notification of Acceptance           7 January 2013
 Full manuscript submission           18 February 2013
 Camera ready paper                   4 March 2013

Papers will be blind peer-reviewed. Accepted and presented papers will be included in an ISBN conference proceedings book. Selected papers will also be published in special issues from journals.

Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 200-500 words in one or more of the areas identified above, outlining the major content and conclusions. Accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers.

Please submit your abstract at:

If you need any further information, please visit the Conference website at for detailed information.

Looking forward to meeting you at Lisbon

Yours sincerely
(Organizing Committee)

Publications: The Emissions Gap Report 2012 by UNEP

The Emissions Gap Report 2012

Submitted by Hristova Dochka on Wed, 21/11/2012 - 11:44

Issue date: 21 November 2012
Two fundamental questions in the global climate negotiations include:
  1. Will the pledges made by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions be sufficient to achieve the 2.0 degree or 1.5 degree Celsius temperature limits by year 2020 or will there be a gap between the level of ambition that is needed and what is expected as a result of the pledges?
  2. If a gap exists, in what ways can it bridged?

Since 2010, UNEP has been convening scientists and experts to answer these questions through the development of the annual “emissions gap” report. The 2012 report provides the following information:
  • An update of global greenhouse gas emission estimates, based on a number of different authoritative scientific sources;
  • An overview of national emission levels, both current (2010) and projected (2020) consistent with current pledges and other commitments;
  • An estimate of the level of global emissions consistent with the two degree target in 2020, 2030 and 2050;
  • An update of the assessment of the "emissions gap" for 2020;
  • A review of selected examples of the rapid progress being made in different parts of the world to implement policies already leading to substantial emission reductions and how they can be scaled up and replicated in other countries, with the view to bridging the emissions gap.

Events: USAID Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Workshop

USAID Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Workshop

In addition to NRM professionals, this workshop targets international development professionals with expertise in global climate change, food security, economic development, democracy, conflict, and humanitarian assistance to enhance learning on how CBNRM can contribute to achieving their goals.
When2013-01-16 to
WhereWashington, DC.
During this two day workshop, participants will: Learn what CBNRM is, the types of activities included in CBNRM, and the landscapes and regions where CBNRM is found, conditions for success, how to achieve scale, etc.; Explore how CBNRM contributes to and achieves multiple development objectives and impacts, including climate change adaptation and mitigation; food security; economic development; and democracy, conflict, and humanitarian assistance; Share CBNRM approaches, resources, information and tools; and Identify how participants can link their office/organization and their own work with CBNRM programs and activities.

 The workshop will include an exhibition of tools, approaches and experience in CBNRM.
 Interested parties should submit exhibit ideas to with the subject "CBNRM exhibit."

Publications: Designing Adaptation Finance For The Green Climate Fund: Challenges And Opportunities Drawn From Existing Multilateral Funds For Adaptation by Fukuda, Koji and Shimizu, Noriko

IGES Working Paper

Designing Adaptation Finance for the Green Climate Fund: Challenges and Opportunities Drawn from Existing Multilateral Funds for AdaptationDesigning Adaptation Finance For The Green Climate Fund: Challenges And Opportunities Drawn From Existing Multilateral Funds For Adaptation

Author: Fukuda, Koji and Shimizu, Noriko|2012/11|4.
Language: English|Publication Type: Working Papers|Copyright: IGES

Geographic area:

Publications:Assessment Of Learning Performance In Education For Sustainable Development: Investigating The Key Factors In Effective Educational Practice And Outcomes For Sustainable Development (A Study Of Good Practice Cases From The Regional Centres Of Expertise)

UNU-IAS/IGES Research Project on Monitoring and Evaluation of ESD

Assessment of Learning Performance in Education for Sustainable Development: Investigating the key factors in effective educational practice and outcomes for sustainable development  (A study of good practice cases from the Regional Centres of Expertise)Assessment Of Learning Performance In Education For Sustainable Development: Investigating The Key Factors In Effective Educational Practice And Outcomes For Sustainable Development (A Study Of Good Practice Cases From The Regional Centres Of Expertise)

Author: Ofei-Manu, Paul and Didham, Robert James|2012/11|190.|Publisher: IGES(Hayama)
Language: English|Publication Type: Policy Reports|ISBN/ISSN: 978-4-88788-117-4|Copyright: IGES

This report was developed as part of a series of three research publications on the research project led by UNU-IAS and IGES on monitoring and evaluation of education for sustainable development, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This report specifically focuses on the assessment of ESD learning performance. The information contained here within is based on primary research collected in collaboration with eleven Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on ESD from countries in East and Southeast Asia based on the main data collection method of good practice case reporting and supported by additional information collected during the two reporting and capacity building workshops.

The structure of the report is as follows:
• Section One consists of the introduction to the report. A background to relevant educational theories and learning approaches is presented in the form of a literature review. The important characteristics of ESD are then examined along with the nature of RCEs. This section also covers the methodology used in terms of the selection criteria developed, the method of data collection and the parameters measured.

• Section Two presents the good practice cases of the RCEs. Each case starts with a short background of the RCE, its structure and all of the initiatives that it is involved in. Following this overview of the RCE, a general description and background of the individual good practice case that was reported by the RCE is provided, and then the specific details addressed include the major objectives, focus and activities involved in the case, the benefits of the multi-stakeholder partnerships and the learning methodologies, approaches and strategies applied for the implementation of activities, the main outcomes and achievements of the RCE initiatives. Also, the major strengths/advantages, the primary weakness/constraints, and how the ESD initiative addresses the three pillars of sustainable development are also discussed.
• Section Three comprises: 1) a comparative analysis of the RCE cases on the basis of the educational/learning process and content of the parameters measured, 2) the conceptual background to the learning performance framework, the four elements and the elemental characteristics as well as a number of educational/learning theories and methods in which they are grounded, and 3) an attempt to link the practices from the various case studies with characteristics of the elements of the learning performance framework.
Geographic area:

Conference: Vienna R20 Conference with Arnold Schwarzenegger

January 31-February 1, 2013

Vienna, Austria
Vienna R20 Conference with Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Implementing the Sustainable Energy Future"
Please join the R20 Founding Chair Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann, along with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Program (UNIDO), the Assembly of European Regions (AER), the USC Schwarzenegger Institute, and the Nobel Sustainability Trust (NST), at this transformational, interactive conference.
"Implementing the Sustainable Energy Future" will focus on practical and inspiring sub-national bottom up actions from around the globe to build strong sustainable economies and make clean, local sources of energy available to everyone.
More information coming soon on the conference website at

About the conference

The conference focus on “Implementing the Sustainable Energy Future” on a sub-national scale. Best practices and recent success stories will be showcased to demonstrate, through concrete examples, that the transformation of the energy system at sub-national level is an essential step towards the green economy paradigm shift.

Conference language

The official conference language is English. Simultaneous interpreting in German, French and Spanish is provided during the lectures.

Draft program PDF

Day 1: 31 January

Welcome and Opening

Werner Faymann, Federal Chancellor of Austria

Panel 1:

Energy Mix of the Future
  • José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission (tbc)
  • Kandeh Yumkella, General Director UNIDO
  • Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, R20 Founding Chair
  • Michèle Sabban, President of the Assembly of European Regions and President of Board of R20
  • Gerhard Roiss, CEO, OMV AG
  • Gustaf Nobel, Chair of Nobel Sustainability Trust

  • Terry Tamminen
  • Ingrid Thurnher/ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Lunch sponsored by

REWE International AG

Panel 2:

Empowering Regions to Implement the New Energy Future
  • Eric Rondolat, CEO Lighting Sector, Royal Philips Electronics
  • Terry Tamminen, R20 Strategic Advisor and Former Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency
  • Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action (tbc)
  • Nikolaus Berlakovich, Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water, Austria
  • Stephan Pernkopf, Minister of Environment and Energy of the Federal State of Lower Austria
  • Daniel Kammen, Distinguished Professor of Energy and Founding Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory University of California, Berkeley
  • R20 Partner member
  • Kurt Weinberger, CEO Austrian Hail Insurance Company, Österreichische Hagelversicherung

  • Ingrid Thurnher/ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Coffee break sponsored by

REWE International AG

Panel 3:

Innovate Finance Mechanisms for the Green Deal Flow
  • Josué Tanaka, Corporate Director and Managing Director for Energy Efficiency, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Cheryl Fisher, Director of the Energy Department and Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank
  • Andrea Hagmann, Member of the Executive Board, Development Bank of Austria
  • R20 Region member
  • Gernot Mittendorfer, CRO, Erste Group Bank AG

  • Ingrid Thurnher/ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)


Reception given by Governor of Lower Austria, Erwin Pröll at Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Day 2: 1 February

Panel 4:

Technologies for a Smart Future
  • Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment (tbc)
  • Michael Häupl, Mayor and Governor of Vienna
  • Arnulf Wolfram, Head of Infrastructure & Cities Sector Central Eastern Europe, Siemens AG
  • CEO Automotive/Automobile Industry (tbc)
  • R20 Region member
  • Reinhard Schürk, Executive Board Member, REWE International AG
  • Erik Rasmussen, CEO, MondayMorning and Founder of Sustainia

  • Cornelia Vospernik /ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Coffee break sponsored by

REWE International AG

Panel 5:

Europe/Austria – China Cooperation: Successful Strategies for Regions
  • Yufu Cheng, China Director, R20
  • Andreas Reichhardt, General Director of the Section Innovation and Telecommunication, Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Austria
  • International Organization: UNDP, n.n.
  • Markus Beyrer, CEO Business Europe (tbc)
  • R20 Chinese Region / Representative of City Nanchang, n.n.
  • Walter Koren, CEO Advantage Austria, Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO)
  • Hannes Androsch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AT&S and of Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)

  • Cornelia Vospernik /ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Lunch sponsored by

REWE International AG

Panel 6:

Implementing the Renewables
  • Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (tbc)
  • Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Professor of Energy Economics at Vienna University of Technology, Deputy Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
  • Peter Oswald, CEO, Mondi-Group
  • Josef Plank, CEO, RENERGIE
  • Johann Christof, CEO, Christof Group
  • Peter Vadasz, President of the European Centre for Renewable Energies in Güssing
  • R20 Partner member
  • Simon Bransfield, Garth CEO, Azuri Technologies, Sustainia Award Winner 2012

  • Cornelia Vospernik /ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation)

Closing Ceremony

Final speeches

For more information:
Region of climate action:

HKWMA Activities Updates: Forum on Challenges and Opportunities with Food Waste Management

Forum on Challenges and Opportunities with Food Waste Management

Activity leaflet:

Dear HKWMA Members,

Food waste management has been a topic of long debate in Hong Kong. Despite the total amount of
MSW disposed at landfills appears to have stabilized over the past several years, the amount of food
waste disposed has increased sharply in 2011.
If managed properly, the organic-rich food waste can be turned into valuable resources. Otherwise,
it can create public nuisance, burden on landfills as well as serious impact on greenhouse gas

The Hong Kong Waste Management Association (HKWMA) and the Environmental Division of the
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) have therefore decided to jointly organize a one-day
forum on Food Waste Management, drawing on the know-how from local and international experts.
The purpose of this forum is to provide a platform for the policy makers, government officials,
academies, consultants, engineering professionals and property management practitioners to
exchange views on food waste management policies, treatment technologies and management
practices, taken into account the unique constraints and circumstances in Hong Kong.
HKWMA members will enjoy a special 40% discount on forum fee at HK$300 (vs. HK$500 for

We are very pleased that Mr. K.S. Wong (Secretary for the Environment) has accepted our invitation
to deliver an opening speech at the Forum. Moreover, experts from Germany, Japan and Taiwan
have also confirmed that availability to share their experiences with us. HKWMA and HKIE are
also working very hard to select the final speakers to share their hands-on experiences and insight
with food waste treatment and management in Hong Kong.
We strongly encourage you to join this big event, and please stay tuned for our final announcement.
We look forward to seeing you there.

With my best regards,

Karel Haubourdin
HKWMA - Membership Secretary
Tel : (852) 2434.6326
Fax : (852) 2497.4290
Mobile : (852) 9862.8634
Email :

For more information:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Events: OSEA 2012 - International Oil and Gas Industry Exhibition and Conference

OSEA 2012 - International Oil and Gas Industry Exhibition and Conference

Tuesday 27th November 2012 to Friday 30th November 2012

OSEA is the Asian Oil & Gas event where industry professionals gather once every two years. The 19th edition will take place at a new venue in downtown Singapore at The Marina Bay Sands from 27 – 30 November 2012.

With an impressive display of oil & gas exploration and production innovations, OSEA is an ideal platform to meet new customers and partners. Buyers come from across Asia and beyond to source for new and improved equipment, products and applications.
With the positive industry growth in the non-OECD Asian region, OSEA2012 is the key industry event to explore new leads, reinforce market presence and gain intelligence
OSEA is the Asian Oil & Gas event where industry professionals gather once every two years. The 19th edition will take place at a new venue in downtown Singapore at The Marina Bay Sands from 27-30 November 2012.
With an impressive display of oil & gas exploration and production innovations, OSEA is an ideal platform to meet new customers and partners. Buyers come from across Asia and beyond to source for new and improved equipment, products and applications.

With the positive industry growth in the non-OECD Asian region, OSEA 2012 is the key industry event to explore new leads, reinforce market presence and gain intelligence.

Established since 1976, OSEA is Asia's most important business technology event for the Oil and Gas industry. The event gathers key companies from around the globe in an extensive showcase of products, solutions and technologies for both Upstream and Downstream. The OSEA International Conferences is also the choice networking platform for industry and business professionals to discuss market sentiments and business strategies, as well as technical developments in exploration and production.

Click here for more information.

Events: The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference

The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference


The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conferenc
26.11.2012 - 07.12.2012
Doha - Doha
Events in Asia


The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will take place from Monday, 26 November to Friday, 7 December 2012 at the Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha, Qatar. Further information will be posted soon.

The website is available here.

Events: The Better Air Quality conference 2012

Better Air Quality Hong Kong 2012

Date : Wednesday 5th December 2012 to Friday 7th December 2012

The Better Air Quality conference will be held in Hong Kong from 5 to 7 December 2012. BAQ 2012 is co-organized by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. BAQ2012 will be held in parallel with the Motor Vehicle Emissions (MoVE) workshop that is co-organized by Hong Kong EPD, Hong Kong PolyU and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

The BAQ conference is the flagship event of CAI-Asia. This biennial event brings leading experts, policy and decision makers together to network, learn and share experiences on air quality management. Past BAQs have proven to influence policies, initiate new projects and establish partnerships.
The BAQ 2012 theme is "Growing Cities, Healthy Cities", reflecting the challenge of creating livable cities with blue skies and a low carbon footprint in the face of increasing urbanization, and ensuring that people’s health is no longer affected by poor air quality.
The Better Air Quality (BAQ) conference is the leading event on air quality in Asia, covering transport, energy, industry and climate change, with a particular emphasis on government policies and measures. Policy makers and practitioners meet at BAQ to network, learn and share experiences. Past BAQs have proven to influence policies, initiate new projects and establish partnerships.

BAQ 2012 is co-organized by CAI-Asia, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (EPD), and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in partnership with Asian Development Bank and World Bank. BAQ 2012 will be held from 5-7 December at the Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong PolyU.

First organized by the Hong Kong PolyU in 2002, BAQs have become major regional events through the efforts of the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center (CAI-Asia) and its partners. BAQ conferences were held in Hong Kong (2002), Philippines (2003), India (2004), Indonesia (2006), Thailand (2008), and Singapore (2010).

The theme of BAQ 2012 is “Growing Cities, Healthy Cities,” reflecting that

Hundreds of millions of people will be added to Asian cities in the next decades and as cities’ economies grow, so does the demand for energy and the number of vehicles.
The air quality of 6 out of 10 cities in developing Asian countries is unhealthy, and the number of people struck by cancer, heart attacks, asthma and other diseases caused or made worse by air pollution continues to rise.
The challenge for cities is to create livable cities with blue skies, a low carbon footprint, green buildings and spaces, and transport systems that embrace public transport, walking and cycling.

BAQ 2012 is a 3-day conference with plenary sessions, breakout sessions, country roundtables, posters, exhibition, social events and launches. Pre-events are organized by different supporting organizations as training courses, workshops or field trips/site vitis. We have received more than 100 abstracts for the topics:

Low Emissions Urban Development
Ambient Air Quality and Impacts
Air Quality and GHG Management
Transport Systems and Modes
Motor Vehicle Emissions and Fuels
Industry and Other Sources

For more information: