Monday, November 21, 2011

Workshop on "Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Urban Sustainability: Science, Technology and Society Approaches to Three Asian Challenges"

Date: 06 - 07 Dec 2011

Venue: Learn Lobe, Tembusu West
            University Town, 30 College Avenue East, NUS
            Singapore 138599

Jointly organized by the Science, Technology and Society Cluster, Asia Research Institute, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, and the Research Institute of Science and Techology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Techonology Agency (JST).

This workshop will consider three inter-linked global challenges that are of particular concern to Asia. Asian countries have been in the forefront of efforts to help identify and mitigate global climate change, yet are also counted among the major contributors to that phenomenon. Disaster management has become something of an Asian specialty, given this region’s long experience with violent nature, yet natural disasters here are far from being fully managed. Urbanization in Asia has been burgeoning, for good and ill, and sustaining a high quality of urban life is intimately linked to the health of the natural environment. All of these challenges are also taking place in a social and political space where public awareness has never been higher, yet avenues for public engagement and action are often unclear.

Programme Outline
Day 1, 3 Panels:
· Climate Change
· Disaster Management
· Sustainable Urbanism
Day 2, 2 Round-table Sessions:
· STS in Asia (Institutions and Frameworks)
· STS in Asia (Ideas and Approaches)

**This is a Closed-Door Event. Admission is by Invitation only.

Contact Details
Workshop Organiser:
Assoc Prof Gregory Clancey, Asia Research Institute, Dept of History and Tembusu College, NUS (

Mr Jonathan Lee
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
469A Tower Block, Level 10, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
Tel: (65) 6516 4224
Fax: (65) 6779 1428

For details: Click here


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