Thursday, November 3, 2011

InnoAsia 2011 "Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Future" 15-17 NOV

InnoAsia 2011Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Future 15-17 November 2011

Untitled Page Event Date:15 November, 2011 (Tuesday) - 17 November, 2011 (Thursday)
Venue:Hong Kong Science Park & Hotel ICON
Contact:Ms Ivy Wong


'The three-day conference is the only event of its kind in Asia featuring a Main Conference with insight-sharing Tech Forums, Workshop as well as business matching forums. It presents a unique platform for policy makers, business leaders, prominent scientists and university researchers from Hong Kong and overseas to get together and share their views, experiences and insights over global issues of strategic importance. Key areas to be explored include:

  • The energy efficiency agenda in China's 12th Five Year Plan
  • Future energy technologies and B2B & B2C business opportunities
  • Sustainable development and energy efficiency best practices
  • Design for energy efficient green buildings
  • Building design and automation systems for low-energy built environment
  • Smart solutions in the industrial sector for lower environment impact and costs
  • The breakthroughs in lighting technologies for better environmental performance and commercial opportunities'

DAY ONE - Tuesday, 15 November, Hong Kong Science Park
09:00 - 15:30 Main Conference HK$1,000*
16:00 - 17:30 Chairmen's Forum
17:30 - 19:00 Cocktails HK$300
19:00 - 21:00 Networking Dinner

DAY TWO - Wednesday, 16 November, Hotel ICON
09:00 - 12:30 Tech Forum 1 - Policies, Markets & Business Opportunities HK$600
Tech Forum 2 - Building Design & Automation
14:00 - 17:30 Tech Forum 3 - Industry & Manufacturing
Tech Forum 4 - Lighting & Display Innovation

DAY THREE - Thursday, 17 November, Hong Kong Science Park
09:15-12:00 SPARC Forum 1 - Angel Investment Matching (by invitation)
SPARC Forum 2 - Venture Capital Investment Matching (by invitation)
Workshop: Inside Look at Entrepreneurial Path to IPO HK$800
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch HK$600*
14:00 - 17:30 HK Venture Capital / Angel Conference
17:30 - 19:00 Networking Cocktails

2-day package: HK$1,200# 3-day package: HK$1,600#
*Inclusive of Lunch
#Exclusive of cocktail and Networking Dinner of Day 1 and IPO Workshop of Day 3.

Officail Website of InnoAsia 2011 Conference:


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