Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 30 NOV - 2 DEC

Date: 30 November 2011 to 2 December 2011
Venue: Kyoto, Japan

Since the first EcoDesign symposium in 1999, this symposium has led the research and practices of environmentally conscious design of products, services, manufacturing systems, supply chain, consumption, and economics and society. Professionals from industry, research laboratories, consulting, government, and academia are encouraged to attend.

Conference Topics:
General Session
Global Issues in EcoDesign
Social Perspectives in EcoDesign
Economics of EcoDesign
Policy, Regulation, and Economic Incentives
EcoDesign of Products, Services, and their Life Cycles
Energy Saving and New Energy Technologies
3R Technologies
Sustainable Manufacturing
International Resource Recycling
Design for Sustainable Consumption and Practices
Sustainable Social Infrastructure Systems

Organized Session(Organizer)
[OS-1] International cooperation on Type I eco-labeling (Keijiro Masui, AIST, Japan)
[OS-2] Green telecommunication (Jiro Nakamura, NTT, Japan)
[OS-3] Operations management (Kenichi Nakashima, Kanagawa Univ., Japan)
[OS-4] Green monitoring of environment for management of society (Ryutaro Maeda, AIST, Japan)
[OS-5] Designing sustainable society (Yasushi Umeda, Osaka Univ., Japan)
[OS-6] Stimulating Eco-Innovation by promoting Meso-level research project (Center of Environmental Innovation for Sustainability, Osaka Univ., Japan)
[OS-7] Public private partnerships for succesfull ecodesign research (Mattias Lindahl & Olof Hjelm, Linkoping Univ., Sweden)
[OS-8] Inverse Manufacturing: past, now, and future (tentative) (Fumihiko Kimura, Hosei Univ., Japan; Inverse Manufacturing Forum, Japan)
[OS-9] Epistemology and higher education related to postmodern engineering science (Harald Otto, Universta Politecnica delle Marche, Italy)
[OS-10] Zero-CO2 Emission Society (Keiichi Ishihara, Kyoto Univ., Japan)
[OS-11] Micro & Efficient manufacturing (Nozomu Mishima, AIST, Japan)
[OS-12] Exergy Design (Yoshinori Hisazumi, Osaka Univ., Japan)
[OS-13] Emerging Technology (Masatsugu Shimomura, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University, Japan)

Early (July 7 - Sept. 22 Oct. 31) Extended
Late (Sept 23 - Oct. 31 Nov. 1 - Nov. 16 and On-Site)
Speaker (Other than student)
JPY 55,000
(dedline: Oct. 10)
Student Speaker or non-speaker
JPY 25,000
(Additional payment - 7,000 yen - is needed for participating in the conference banquet.)
Member *2
JPY 55,000
JPY 65,000
JPY 65,000
JPY 75,000
For accompanying person
Welcome Party ticket
Banquet ticket

JPY 3,000

JPY 7,000
*1 Speakers should make registration before submitting full papers.
*2 "Member" means individuals who belong to member organizations of The Union of EcoDesigners, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Sponsors, Cosponsors, Cosponsorship, and Osaka University Center of Environmental Innovation Design for Sustainability.

Official website:


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