Tuesday, November 22, 2011

International Conference on Climate Change & Social Issues from 14 - 15 December

Date: 14 - 15 December 2011
Venue: Grand Oriental Hotel Colombo

The theme of this conference highlights social issues of climate change, such as the impacts on communities including equity/ethical issues and gender inequality. This conference offers a forum that stimulates empirical discussions from multi-sectoral stakeholder groups. Such an initiative would enable us to share practical knowledge/experience, exchange ideas, develop collaborations, and set up working groups in order to take actions for climate change mitigation & adaptation. This conference will bring together inter-disciplinary researchers and practitioners to meet, discuss and debate the global impacts of climate change.

Key topics:
Climate change & social impacts
Climate change & gender issues
Climate change & disadvantaged groups
Climate change & ethics
Climate change mitigation & adaptation


14 Dec 2011
15 Dec 2011
Welcome speech
Panel discussion: global cases
Keynote speech
Prof Munasinghe (IPCC)
Session 1: Climate change & ethics
Chair – Dr. Sam Gameda
Session 1: Climate change & its social impacts
Chair – Dr. K.Karunathilaka
Session 2: Climate change: mitigation & adaptation
Chair – Dr. Risa Morimoto
Session 2: Climate change & gender issues
Chair – Dr. Tahseen Jafry
Session 3: Climate change & other Issues
Chair – Prof.Hansjochen Ehmer
Session 3: Climate change & disadvantage groups
Chair – Prof. Ramani Jayathilaka
Session 4: A way forward


Registarion form: pdf file, Doc file.

Late registration fee after 30th September:
International Participants (EURO)
Delegates:  € 350
Students: € 300
Accompanying person: € 200

* The registration fee includes admission to the conference proceedings, two lunches, refreshments, conference materials as well as visa help and hotel booking help etc..

After deposit money send email with, scan of receipt. isanka@leapbis.info

Source and details: Click here


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