Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Third International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards

Date:13 - 15 December 2011
Venue: Malaysia

The conference will discuss the objective of reaching sustainability in the framework of all different disciplines in order to arrive at optimal solutions. Hence this meeting is essentially transdisciplinary in order to find appropriate sustainable solutions, i.e. those involving collaboration across a wide range of disciplines. Like the first two, the aim of this conference is to take stock of our situation and try to facilitate constructive principles and policies for a way forward.

Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

PDF Brochure Downlaod

Conference Topics
The re-encounter
  • Science and humanities
  • Arts and sciences
  • Science and ethics
Political and social issues
  • Social and sociological issues
  • Environmental legislation and policy
  • International agreements
  • Crimes against nature
Planning and development
  • City planning
  • Regional planning and economics
  • Spatial planning
  • Sustainable transport
  • Resource management
  • Tourism and the environment
  • Waste management
  • Risk analysis, assessment and management
  • Information and communication issues
  • Transportation problems
  • Emergency response
  • Disaster prevention, control management and protection
  • Protection of cultural and historical heritage
Health risks
  • Water, air and soil problems
  • Radiation fields
  • Food contamination
  • Housing and health
  • Occupational health
  • Social and economic issues
  • Exposure and epidemiology
New technologies
  • The impact of new technologies
  • Energy-efficient technologies
  • Eco-architecture
Learning from nature
  • Design in nature
  • Nature and architecture
  • Solutions from nature
  • Evolutionary studies
  • Natural resources management
  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainability indicators
  • Environmental risk
  • Recovery of damaged areas
  • Ecosystems modelling
  • Agricultural and forestation issues
  • Landscape
  • Renewable energy
  • Nuclear energy
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Production of new energy
  • Economics and political issues
  • Energy conservation
Water Resources
  • Water management and planning
  • River basin and watershed management
  • Sustainable water use
  • Arid region problems
  • Pollution monitoring and control
  • Air quality management
  • Global and regional studies
  • Climatology
  • Agricultural issues
  • Contamination
  • Underground resources
  • Remediation  
Abstract and Paper Submission Information

Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper.

We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically, by clicking on the 'Submit an Abstract' button found at the top and bottom of this page. If you prefer, abstracts can be sent by email, fax or mail to the Conference Secretariat. Details can be found on the left side of this page. Please include your name, full address and conference topic on all submissions.

Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.
The paper deadline will be advised after submission of abstracts.

Late Paper Submission

Papers may still be accepted for oral presentation shortly before the conference takes place. It may not however, always be possible to include late papers in the Conference Proceedings. Instead, late papers may be published in a future edition of the conference book series.

For further information please contact the Conference Secretariat for this conference whose details can be found to the left side of this page.

Registration Information

Online Registration: Click
Registration through email: Download pdf file

Conference Fees
Includes Conference Proceedings, (with the exception of student option) other documentation and refreshments.
Registration Fee, US$1450
Reduced Fee for authors, US$950
Conference Chairmen, WIT Fellows and members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, US$850
Students who are not authors (does not include a copy of the Conference Proceedings), US$500

For more details: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/11-conferences/ravageoftheplanet-2011.html


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