Thursday, November 3, 2011

Call for Proposals - ‘Climate Policy Innovation: Sources, Patterns and Effects’


"Applications are invited for funded places in a series of two small, research-driven workshops examining the politically highly salient theme of climate policy innovation. Given the well known difficulties of achieving policy agreement at the international level, more and more hope is being invested in the ability of national and sub-national policy systems to give a stronger policy lead by engaging in policy innovation. Yet existing research on these topics is characterized by a scarcity of comparative and theory-oriented analysis. Contributions have largely been limited to particular aspects of the innovation process (namely policy diffusion) and/or case studies of specific inventions/innovations. Crucially, a perspective that spans the whole policy cycle is still absent. Arguably all these dimensions are needed to provide a full picture of climate policy innovation in the past and a firmer basis on which to speculate about the future.

The aim of the two workshops, which will take place on 22-24 February 2012 (in Amsterdam) and in July 2012 (in Cambridge; precise dates tbc) is to share ideas and produce a significant joint publication; in the medium term they could evolve into an enduring network of researchers who aspire to develop joint funding ideas and many other publication plans.

For a background paper explaining the scope, aims and dates of the workshops, please see the download link below.

To apply for a place, please send a 500 word abstract to Alfie Kirk (, carefully explaining how it fits in with the aims and objectives of the series.  Please include your name and relevant contact details. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2011. Shortly after applicants will be informed whether they have a place or not."

Andrew Jordan (Tyndall Centre, University of East Anglia) and Dave Huitema (VU University Amsterdam).
climate_policy_innovation_background_2011_final.pdf1.65 MB
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