Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Workshop: HKU: SERVICE 100 Workshop Series

SL-2-02 SERVICE 100 Workshop Series

Service is a core value of HKU and one of the themes of HKU Centenary Celebration. Under SERVICE 100, students are encouraged to contribute to the betterment of the human condition. This series of workshops aim to empower students with the necessary mindset, knowledge and skills in initiating and organising service activities that help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations

Workshop 3: Water and Sanitation Systems for Rural Areas

    Service Network
  • Sanitation and Health
  • Waste management
  • Introduction to latrine types
  • Construction of environmental friendly latrines
  • Design and development of hygiene promotion project
Date:            9 November, 2012 (Friday)
Time:           1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Venue:         Rm 411, Meng Wah Complex
Speaker:      Dr. Albert Ko, Director of Gallant Ho Experiential Learning Centre

 Workshop 4: Making Accurate and Attractive Documentaries
  • How to convey your message through pictures and video
  • Presenting your project to donors and volunteers
  • Making good interviews
  • Basic camera and camcorder techniques
Date:            20 November, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time:           1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue:         LE3, Library Extension
Speaker:      Mr. Kevin Lau, Online Media Producer and Tutor of Journalism and Media Studies Centre

Workshop 5: Visual Communication: Practical Tip and Tricks for Compelling Visual Content
Participants in this workshop will learn visual techniques for developing compelling visual stories. Through practice, training methods and tips and tricks, participants after this workshop will carry concepts and ideas for visual material applicable in the field.
Date:            23 November, 2012 (Friday)
Time:           1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue:         Rm 411, Meng Wah Complex
Speaker:      Mr. Kevin Lau, Online Media Producer and Tutor of Journalism and Media Studies Centre

Registration for Workshops 3, 4 and 5:
Students attended 3 of the above workshops will receive a SERVICE 100 AMBASSADOR – Fundamental Certificate.

Students who attend 3 of the SERVICE 100 Workshops AND three of the SERVICE 100 Lectures will receive a SERVICE 100 AMBASSADOR – Advanced Certificate.

Enquiries:cedars-programmes@hku.hk / 2857 8387


Monday, October 15, 2012

New Book: Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness by Karl Hogl , Eva Kvarda , Ralf Nordbeck and Michael Pregernig

Environmental Governance
The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness

Karl Hogl , Eva Kvarda , Ralf Nordbeck , Michael Pregernig

Environmental GovernanceEdited by Karl Hogl, Professor in Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Eva Kvarda, Researcher, Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Ralf Nordbeck, Senior Researcher, Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria and Michael Pregernig, Professor in Environmental Governance, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
2012, 328 pp Hb 978 1 84980 270 3

Description"This excellent collection of articles by leading scholars in a variety of natural resource policy fields examines cases in participation, horizontal and vertical co-ordination, and the role of science and expertise in environmental policy formation. The legitimacy and effectiveness of each of these key components of governance and meta-governance regimes is assessed in important areas such as climate change and parks and wilderness preservation. The volume brings an admirable consistency of focus to the analysis of new governance modes in environmental policy and sheds new light upon important recent trends and developments in the area."
                                                                        – Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University, Canada

For more information:https://www.e-elgar.co.uk/Print_product_detail.lasso?id=14025

New Book: Environmental Governance of the Great Seas: Law and Effect by By Joseph F. C. DiMento and Alexis Jaclyn Hickman

Environmental Governance of the Great Seas: Law and Effect (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law)

By (author) Joseph F. C. DiMento, By (author) Alexis Jaclyn Hickman
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
Published: 12 October 2012
Format: Hardback 240 pages
See: Full bibliographic data
ISBN 13: 9781848443754 ISBN 10: 1848443757

The authors of this comprehensive study provide a rich assessment of the condition of the seas and the efficacy of the initiatives governing them. The aim is not only to describe and evaluate existing governance structures, but also to indicate how governance can be improved. Case studies of the Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean and East Asian seas illustrate the varying degrees of policy success, failure and promise.

Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Baltic Sea with Hermanni Backer, Joseph F.C. DiMento and Alexis Jaclyn Hickman 3. The Black Sea 4. The East Asian Seas 5. The Mediterranean Sea with Tullio Scovazzi, Joseph F.C. DiMento and Alexis Jaclyn Hickman 6. The West and Central African Seas 7. The Wider Caribbean Region 8. An Accounting Appendices References Index

The great seas contain immense resources and provide invaluable services to humankind, yet their environmental conditions are threatened worldwide. The authors of this comprehensive study provide a rich assessment of the seas and the efficacy of the initiatives governing them, as well as suggestions for improving governance and protection. Case studies of the Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Caribbean and East Asian seas illustrate the varying degrees of policy success, failure and promise.

The authors address the specific roles of the Law of the Sea and the United Nations Regional Seas Programme and discuss the importance of better information exchange between scientists and policymakers, increased funding, greater participation, and new and more effective laws. National, regional and international initiatives are conceptualized as clusters, and their success evaluated using data on the physical conditions of the seas, the law and policy adopted, and international cooperation.

The interdisciplinary, insightful treatment of this complex issue will be of great interest to policymakers, students and scholars in the fields of law and policy as well as marine and environmental sciences.

For more information: https://www.e-elgar.co.uk/bookentry_main.lasso?id=13468

Corporate Social Responsibility: Buzzword or Business Imperative, 17 October 2012, Hong Kong

Corporate Social Responsibility: Buzzword or Business Imperative

Corporate Social Responsibility: Buzzword or Business Imperative


GE Lecture: CSR - Environmental Sustainability
Date: 17 Oct 2012
Time: 12:45 - 13:45

Topic: Environmental Sustainability
Guest Speaker: Ms. Ingrun Alsleben, Chief Financial Officer, Bayer Group

Venue: MBG07, Main Building

Medium of Instruction: English

This public lecture is part of a General Education Course entitled Corporate Social Responsibility: Buzzword or Business Imperative.  In this session, the latest concepts around the connections between environment and development will be introduced.  Ms. Ingrun Alsleben will examine the relationship between business and environment with real-life practical examples.


Registration: http://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&UEID=20155

Enquiry: 2241 5044 or gened@hku.hk

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Publications: A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta by Civil Exchange, HKU and HKUST

A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta
This report represents a joint-effort by Civic Exchange, HKUST’s Atmospheric Research Center and HKU’s School of Public Health. In this report, HKUST laid the foundation by conducting the first ever activity-based inventory of ocean-going vessels’ emissions across the whole Pearl River Delta based on 4 emissions control scenarios. HKU built on this information and made the first ever assessment of the impacts of emissions from ocean-going vessels on the health of the population in each prefecture of the PRD, Hong Kong and Macau. | Download full report |

Press conference: 

Other materials:Final report by HKUST
Final report by HKU
Media coverage:27 Sept 2012 – HKET – 管制船舶排放 減排人人有責
26 Sept 2012 – SCMP – Low-sulphur diesel fuel for ships in Hong Kong should be compulsory
26 Sept 2012 – SCMP – Make clean ship fuel compulsory
22 Sept 2012 – The Economist – Not so fragrant: An encouraging appointment addresses an enduring problem
21 Sept 2012 – The Standard – New step in fight against pollution promised soon
21 Sept 2012 – Ship & Bunker - Hong Kong Think Tank Calls for Regional ECA
20 Sept 2102 – RTHK-3 – Call for vessels to use cleaner fuel
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – HK suffers most deaths in region from ship pollution
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – LAI SEE
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – HK suffers most ship pollution deaths
20 Sept 2012 – The Standard – Ships urged to use cleaner fuel as 400 die each year
20 Sept 2012 – Apple Daily – 船舶廢氣年殺385人
20 Sept 2012 – The Sun – 珠三角船舶污染年殺400港人
20 Sept 2012 – Oriental Daily News – 船舶排污 年殺400港人
20 Sept 2012 – Oriental Daily News (online version) – 研究指年均近4百港人死於遠洋船排放
20 Sept 2012 – Hong Kong Economic Times – 遠洋船排二氧化硫 增死亡風險
20 Sept 2012 – Ming Pao – 接陸恭蕙葉溵溵記招擔大旗

Good Derivatives: A Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation, 9 October 2012, Hong Kong

Good Derivatives: A Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation Richard L Sandor
Through the eyes of an inventor of new markets, Good Derivatives: A Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation tells the story of how financial innovation – a concept that is misunderstood and under attack – has been a positive force in the last four decades. If properly designed and regulated, these “good derivatives” can open vast possibilities to address a variety of global problems. Filled with provocative ideas, fascinating stories, and valuable lessons, it will provide both an insightful interpretation of the last forty years in capital and environmental markets and a vision of world finance for the next forty years. Richard Sandor, widely regarded as the “father of financial futures” and named by TIME magazine as the “father of carbon trading”, will share his insights about market-based trading systems being a far more effective means of reducing pollutants than “command-and-control”.

Richard L. Sandor is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Environmental Financial Products LLC, which specializes in inventing, designing, and developing new financial markets with a special emphasis on investment advisory services. EFP was established in 1998 and was the predecessor company and incubator to the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), the European Climate Exchange (ECX) and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE). Dr. Sandor was honored by the City of Chicago for his contribution to the creation of financial futures and his universal recognition as the “father of financial futures.” In October 2007, he was honored as one of TIME Magazine’s “Heroes of the Environment” for his work as the “Father of Carbon Trading.” Dr. Sandor is a Distinguished Professor of Environmental Finance at Guanghua School of Management at Peking University and a Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School. | Download flyer | Dr Sandor in Climate Dialogue 2010 | More about Dr Sandor and his work |

Event details & Registration:
Date: 9 October 2012, Tuesday
Time: 3.30 pm – 5.00pm
Venue: PwC Executive Conference Centre, 21/F, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong
Admission: No charge, but registration is needed. Please fill in the form below for registration:

Vietnamese Updates: Prime Minister hails Vietnam-EU ties

Prime Minister hails Vietnam-EU ties Thứ sáu, ngày 05 tháng 10 năm 2012 cập nhật lúc 05:24

Cooperation between Vietnam and the European Union (EU) over the past time has brought in practical benefit for both sides.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the remark while receiving Ambassador Franz Jessen, head of the EU delegation to Vietnam in Hanoi on October 4.

The Vietnam-EU relations have well developed in all fields and bilateral trade value keeps increasing, he added. 
Mr Dung asked the diplomat to work closely with Vietnam’s relevant agencies to boost Vietnam-EU multifaceted cooperation, especially in politics, economics, trade, investment and tourism. 

He also asked the two sides to speed up FTA negotiations and affirmed that Vietnam supports EU’s efforts to enhance cooperation with the ASEAN. 

Ambassador Jessen pledged to do his utmost to boost the Vietnam-EU multifaceted cooperation, especially in politics, economics and trade. 

He also expressed his wish that the Vietnamese Government will create favourable conditions for EU investors coming to Vietnam. 

Welcoming new French ambassador to Vietnam Jean Noel Poirier the same day, PM Dung affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of working closely together with France to lift bilateral relations to a new height to fully tap their cooperation potential.

Vietnam will create favourable conditions for French investors to boost trade and direct investment to Vietnam, he said. 

The Government leader said that Vietnam wants France to continue providing ODA to Vietnam and proposed that the two sides should strengthen cooperation in education and training, science-technology and culture. 
The French Ambassador said he hopes the Vietnamese Government will create conditions for him during his tenure in Vietnam, so that he can contribute to lifting the two countries’ relations to a new height.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Book: Human-Environment Interactions by Series Ed.: Moran, Emilio F.

Human-Environment InteractionsA decade ago, an international effort began to understand how the Earth functioned as a system. This involved taking apart the earth’s components (e.g. oceans, terrestrial ecosystems, atmosphere, hydrological systems) and studying each one separately and how they connected to, and influenced, the other parts of the earth system. This was a very successful effort that elucidated how the system worked and has permitted major advances such as improved climate prediction. Over this same ten-year period, earth system scientists began to appreciate how much human activities impact the various components of the earth system. Burning of fossil fuels result in emissions of vast amounts of carbon dioxide and other earth-warming gases that are changing the atmosphere and even the productivity of terrestrial vegetation. Fishing fleets have depleted the stock of many species, and the catches are collapsing. Irrigation and other alterations of surface and underground water are increasing the vulnerability of hydrologic systems and the people that depend on these precious water sources. Agricultural activities have resulted in massive deforestation and alteration of land cover at huge scales—with the amount of land devoted to agriculture increasing five-fold over the past three centuries. In short, human activities are so pervasive that they are capable of altering the earth system in ways that could change the viability of the very processes upon which human and non-human species depend.

As recognition began to be given to the important role of human interactions with the earth system, a vigorous set of research activities was undertaken using a combination of methods from the biophysical and the social sciences to understand these interactions. This work has been concerned with issues of tropical deforestation, with climate change and societal impacts, with the reciprocal interactions of population-environment-consumption, with large-scale monitoring of changes in vegetation and with mega-urbanization dynamics, and with historical reconstructions of human interactions at local and regional scales. This is an integrated science agenda developed in multidisciplinary fashion because of the complex nature of the problems being tackled.

For more information: http://www.springer.com/series/8599

New Book: Extreme Environment by Ivo Vegter

Extreme EnvironmentExtreme Environment
Extreme Environment promises to provoke fresh – and spirited – debate about the modern environmental movement and the many ways in which environmentalism, media, economics, public policy and the politics of liberty intersect.

In order to reduce poverty and continue to raise living standards, a sensible, balanced approach to a healthy, productive environment is required. No country, but especially not those in the developing world, can afford to be manipulated by the self-interested moralising and alarmism perpetrated by some special interest groups.

Exaggeration by environmentalists, many journalists and even some scientists causes undue fear and anxiety among those who don’t already dismiss the green lobby for crying wolf. Worse, misinformation affects regulation and policymaking in ways that actively harm developing economies. Starting with well-researched work questioning the claims of opponents to shale-gas drilling, or ‘fracking’, Ivo Vegter argues that public opinion and policy ought to be informed by accurate data and reasoned argument. Using a wide range of examples, from nuclear accidents and oil spills to food additives and agricultural chemicals, he demonstrates why we should be just as sceptical of the emotive rhetoric of environmentalists, which often turns out to be alarmist, or even false, as we are of corporate spin.

Globally relevant, but offering a unique perspective from a developing country – South Africa – this book is a must-read for every thinking person who cares about the world we live in.

» Author:Ivo Vegter
» Title:Extreme Environment
» ISBN:9781770223646
» Format:Softcover
» Release Date:September 2012
» Imprint:Zebra Press
» Pages:336
» Price:R200.00
For more information:

TEDxKowloon 2012, 20 October 2012, Hong Kong

TEDxKowloon 2012


The First TEDx to be conducted in Cantonese

20 Oct 2012
10:00 - 14:30

TEDxKowloon 2012


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1st Annual Meeting of the LoCARNet in Bangkok, 16-17 October 2012, Thailand

LCS-RNet/International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies
1st Annual Meeting of the LoCARNet in Bangkok, Thailand
■ Date: 16-17 October 2012
■ Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

■ Co-organisers (to be confirmed) (in alphabetical order)
   - APN: Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
   - ADB: Asian Development Bank
   - JGSEE: Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Thailand
   - LoCARNet/IGES: Low Carbon Asia Research Network / Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
■ Supporters (to be confirmed) (in alphabetical order)
   - MOEJ :Ministry of the Environment, Japan
   - TGO: Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization

■ Background:
The Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet) was launched as a knowledge-sharing network of researchers who are deeply involved in domestic policy-making processes, being aware of the importance of facilitating the realisation of a low-carbon and sustainable society, as well as looking at the  formulation and better enabling implementation of science-based policies for low-carbon development in the region.

      ■ Objective:
      Towards sound science-based low-carbon policy in the region, the annual meeting aims:
      -       to exchange up-to-date scientific knowledge on common LC Growth research topics in this region (through dialogues among researchers/research institutes)
      -       to exchange views on research needs between policy-makers and the research community (through dialogues between policy-makers and researchers/research institutes)
      -       to explore potential collaboration areas for joint research in the region (S-S cooperation)
      -       to develop plans for LoCARNet future activities
      -       to pick-up/extract recommendations from research communities in this region, addressed to world leaders on climate change and low-carbon development

      ■ About LoCARNet:

      The Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet) was launched as a knowledge sharing network of researchers who are deeply involved in domestic policy-making processes, in being aware of the importance to facilitate the realisation of a low-carbon and sustainable society, formulation and better enable implementation of science-based policies for low-carbon development in the region. The LoCARNet Kick-off meeting was held in the occasion of ISAP (International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific) 2012, on 23 July 2012 in Yokohama, Japan as our very first planning session on LoCARNet. More details of LoCARNet

      Workshop on Governing Critical Uncertainties: Climate Change and Decision-Making in Transboundary River Basins, 21-23 January 2013, Thailand

      Workshop on Governing Critical Uncertainties: Climate Change and Decision-Making in Transboundary River Basins

      21-01-2013 - 23-01-2013
      Chiang Mai, Thailand

      Organized by the Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University and the Earth System Governance Project
      Workshop aims to help early career researchers:
      - Increase their understanding of the implications of analytical and normative uncertainties associated with climate change and other large-scale drivers for the governance of trans-boundary river basins;
      - Strengthen and expand their network with other early career researchers as well as more established experts in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
      Workshop themes:
      Earth system transformation is marked by persistent uncertainty regarding the causes of environmental change, its impacts, the interlinkage of various causes and response options, and the effects of possible response options. Uncertainty is not only analytical but also normative. Normative uncertainty refers to uncertainty with respect to goals and perceptions of acceptable risk. Most problems of earth system transformation are unprecedented. The adequate policies, polities and, especially, modes of allocation and adaptation are uncertain and contested. Normative uncertainty requires the development of new norms and conceptual frameworks for global collective action in uncharted territory. Research therefore needs to be reflexive and pay attention to how particular worldviews shape scientific research or how scientists deal with problems of uncertainty and lack of quantifiable knowledge of human behaviour. Rivers like the Mekong-Lancang, Brahmaputra, Red River, Salween-Nu, Ganges and Indus provide many services crucial for local livelihoods, national development, as well as regional stability and cooperation. They are also a source of regional tensions and natural disasters. Globalisation and environmental change, potentially leading to tipping points in natural systems, pose new and uncertain risks in these basins. These uncertain risks have become the normal context in which regional water governance takes place. The workshop will address the governance challenges posed by uncertainties related to climate change, land-use and water-use changes focussing on the management of transboundary rivers in the Asia-Pacific region. Invited speakers and trainers will make key note presentations and facilitate discussions on state of knowledge, theory and methods. The workshop will cover the following topics:
      Presentations by resource persons:
      - Key governance concepts with illustrations from transboundary river cooperation, conflict and management;
      - Sources of analytical uncertainty, including, in particular, climate change, land-use and water-use changes;
      - Sources of normative uncertainty, including, differences in values, interests, goals and perceptions of acceptable risk;
      - State of knowledge of ways and approaches to governing uncertainties based on theoretical expectations as well as empirical evidence from practice;
      Working group analyses:
      - Methods, study designs and analytical frameworks for exploring consequences of uncertainty on decision-making processes and politics;
      - Critical review of merits and limitations of a small set of case study papers and a set of papers by participants;
      - Extract key messages and propositions for development of joint paper out of workshop;
      Presentations by participants
      - Panels of presentations by participants on governance issues in a transboundary river basin of their choice;
      Resource persons will also help participants produce a jointly-co-authored synthesis paper from the event. Trainers will include:
      Louis Lebel, Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
      Xu Jianchu, ICRAF and Kunming Institute of Botany, Kunming, Yunnan, China
      Chayanis Krittasudthacheewa, Stockholm Environment Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
      Tom Measham, CSIRO, Australia
      Eduard Podgaisky, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia
      Carl Middleton, Faculty of Political Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
      Ruben Zondervan, Earth System Governance Project, Lund University, Sweden
      Who should apply?
      The workshop is designed for early career researchers in the Asia-Pacific Region working in the field of environmental governance and with interests in transboundary river basins.
      Application Process
      Participants will be selected through a competitive call process based on a submitted abstract and CV.
      To apply, please submit the following (in word-format):
      - An abstract (300-500 words) for a short paper to be presented at the workshop;
      - A curriculum vitae (with list of publications).
      Applications should be send electronically to the International Project Office of the Earth System Governance Project (ipo@earthsystemgovernance.org).
      The organizers expect to be able to provide funding for up to 20 participants, covering travel expenses, accommodation and full catering. Logistical support will be provided for travel arrangements and visa applications.
      Selected participants will need to write a short paper (2000-3000 words) about a transboundary water governance issue in their region, preferably making links to the issue of uncertainty in decision-making, prior to attending the workshop and to make a brief presentation on their papers at the workshop. Participants are encouraged to base their papers on their own research as far as possible but also to review relevant work as needed.
      Deadline for applications is 15 October 2012.

      APCC to hold APEC Climate Symposium 2012 on 8~ 11 Oct, in St. Petersburg, Russia

      APCC to hold APEC Climate Symposium 2012 on 8~ 11 Oct, in St. Petersburg, Russia

       APCC to hold APEC Climate Symposium 2012 on 8~ 11 Oct, in St. Petersburg, Russia

      The APEC Climate Symposium 2012 will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia from October 8-11, 2012. The APEC Climate Symposium(APCS) is an annual event, held since 2005, that brings together around 100 scientists, representatives of National Hydrological and Meteorological Services, academics, policy-makers and students from around the world to discuss emerging issues in climate prediction and its applications.

      The theme of this year’s symposium is Harnessing and Using Climate Information for Decision Making, with a focus on the agriculture sector. As the APEC Climate Center strives to be more responsive to the needs of the APEC member economies, we have begun to expand activities past climate prediction to climate applications. As a progression of the last symposium, APCS 2012 highlights climate applications to agriculture in order to satisfy participants’ needs for a more in-depth exploration of this sector that is especially critical to the Asia-Pacific region.

      Additionally, a Climate Information Toolkit (CLIK) Tutorial Session will be conducted to provide relevant capacity building and training, targeted to developing economies. The event is organized by the APEC Climate Center in cooperation with the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (RosHydroMet).

      More information may be found in the Second Announcement.

      ☞ http://www.apcc21.org/eng/acts/prosym/ann/japcc020101.jsp

      New Publication: Who Drives Change? Comparing the Evolution of Domestic Climate Governance in India and South Africa by Babette Never

      Who Drives Change? Comparing the Evolution of Domestic Climate Governance in India and South Africa
        The Journal of Environment & Development September 2012 21362-387first published on June 12, 2012 doi:10.1177/1070496512449821

      1. Babette Never1
      1. 1German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
      1. Babette Never, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and University of Hamburg, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany Email: never@giga-hamburg.de


      This article compares and contrasts the nature and scope of change in the domestic climate governance of India and South Africa between 2007 and 2010. It identifies the actors and networks driving these change processes by applying the concepts of “communities of practice” and a simple, resource exchange–based network. Small communities of practice promoting collective learning, trust, and identity building capture the trends and actor relations well for the South African case. More simple, business-driven networks could be identified in India. Using survey and interview data, this article finds that both countries have generally not undergone a structural, transformative change, yet that includes the collective learning of new norms and values. Differences exist for more specific parts of climate governance. The number of participating actors, the character of the scientific landscape, and the centrality of a governmental actor with a certain knowledge and attitude within a network shape these different change processes.

      Carbon Forum Asia 2012, 30-31 October 2012, Thailand

      Carbon Forum Asia 2012
      Event Start DateOctober 30, 2012
      Event End DateOctober 31, 2012

      CARBON FORUM ASIA, Carbon Market Conference and Trade Fair, 30 – 31 October 2012, Bangkok

      Jointly organized by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and Koelnmesse, the 7th edition of Carbon Forum Asia, a 2 day Carbon Market Conference and Trade Fair, will be staged for the first time in Bangkok from the 30 – 31 October 2012. The event is organized in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and hosted by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization).

      Since its inception, Carbon Forum Asia has attracted over 7,000 delegates and 750 exhibitors from over 65 countries, earning the recognition of being The Leading Carbon, Energy & Financial Platform for Asia Pacific and the Pacific Rim.
      COP 17 in Durban paved the way to a road that leads all countries to take action on climate change by 2020. But what happens between now and then? What are the defining issues that negotiators face and how are they affecting Asia and the global carbon markets? What is Asia doing to mitigate climate change through market mechanisms and how will it lead this process? What is the future of the global carbon market and what is Asia doing to create its own emissions trading schemes?

      As a region currently poised to lead the growth of carbon markets more than anywhere else, this year’s Carbon Forum Asia Trade Fair & Conference is a crucial opportunity not to be missed for all carbon professionals.

      Low Carbon Earth Summit 2012, 19-21 October 2012, China

      Event Start DateOctober 19, 2012
      Event End DateOctober 21, 2012

      hosted by: Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA and Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau 

      Conference Overview

      LCES-2012 will continue to provide an alternative platform to other global conferences in related to climate change and environment protection. We will focus more on practical perspectives on green economy, promotion of sustainable or renewable energy, and exhibit technical resolutions to solve and predict the existing issues. Through the massive operations on comprehensive topics related low carbon economy and industries, we hope the summit can provide best information to exchange channels for all endeavors on low carbon fields who are working on controlling global climate changes from policy makers, NGO leaders, economists, investors, engineers, scientists, industrial leaders, carbon traders, brokers, clean emerge producers, energy consumers, toward daily low carbon life practitioners and advocators etc. Thus, LCES-2012 can provide help our society and humanity with unprecedented impacts on the world sustainable development, new economy growth and renewable energy innovation to commercialization.

      Highlights of the Conference

      • A Cluster Conference with 5 Co-current Symposiums Based on Excellence
      • China State Foreign Expert Bureau becomes Major Hosting Organization
      • Cutting-edge Keynote Addresses by Prominent Leaders from China and Abroad
      • 300+ Sessions Covering Current Topics and Issues Related to Sustainable Development
      • 1000+ Oral Presentations From World Leaders Covering Politics, Economy, Education, Industry, Agriculture, Business, Military and Public Community or Related NGOs
      • Gather the Global Experts and Seek Common Low-carbon Economic Development Policy
      • Promoting the Efficient Use of Energy and Development of Clean Energy
      • Providing a meeting place for professional development and business opportunities
      • Developing Long-term Partnerships with Fortune 500
      • 200 Investors, VC, GC and Financing Institutions Looking for Promising Projects
      • Career Fair for Low Carbon Fields
      • Optional Tour to Famous Regions of China

      Keynote Speakers

      Dr. Mohan Munasinghe 
      Chairman, Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND), Sri Lanka
      Dr. Gustav R. GrobFellow of the Energy Institute EI, London, Dean em.; Executive Secretary, International Sustainable Energy Organization ISEO; Chairman of ISO/TC203/WG3 Technical Energy Systems Analyses; President of the International Clean Energy Consortium ICEC; Switzerland
      Dr. Guenther Bachmann
      General Secretary, German Council for Sustainable Development, Berlin, Germany
      Mr. Michael T. Eckhart
      Managing Director, Citigroup, USA
      Dr. Armin Sandhoevel
      CEO, Allianz Climate Solutions, Germany

      South Korean Updates: MOE to enact regulation for restricted use of environmental risk factors in children’s products

      MOE to enact regulation for restricted use of environmental risk facto...Safety level standards for four types of environmental risk factors (DNOP, DINP, TBT and Nonylphenol) have been set. The levels are applied to children’s toys that can be placed in the mouth or be in contact by hands of a child.

      ※ DNOP (Di-n-Octylphthalate), DINP (Di-isononylphthalate), TBT (Tributyltin compounds)

      The Ministry of Environment (Minister Yoo Young-sook) has enacted and promulgated on the 27th a ‘regulation for restricted use of environmental risk factors in children’s products’. The regulation is to protect the health of children who are more sensitive and vulnerable to hazardous substances than the adults.

      Main focus of the enacted regulation is to set and manage the rule for restricted use of environmental risk factors in children’s products by selecting four types of substances in total, two among 135 types of environmental risk factors that are subject to risk assessment (Notification No. 2009-116 of the Ministry of Environment) which exceeded the risk assessment standard, DNOP and DINP and two from the Toxic Chemicals Control Act, TBT and Nonylphenol.

      Since 2007, the ministry has been conducting annual risk assessment for environmental risk factors that may influence the children’s health through contact with the substances contained in the toys and stationary products and the result of the assessment was the basis for the establishment of the regulation.
      ※ Risk assessment: quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence of and exposure to particular pollutants. (as specified by OECD, risk = hazard x exposure)

      In case of DNOP and DINP, the ministry set the level taking the migration rate into account after conducting the risk assessment. The migration rate refers to the exposure to the substances when a child places the product in the mouth or makes contact with hands. As TBT and Nonylphenol are already designated as restricted substances under the Toxic Chemicals Control Act, standards of equivalent levels are applied.
      The standards set for DNOP and DINP which are mainly used as plasticizers of plastics and are contained in children’s products including toys and stationeries, are expected to be used for management of plastic products. Also, TBT and Nonylphenol will be applied to wooden products and ink products for children, respectively.

      After the one-year grace period considering the preparation time for related industries, the notification will go into effect from September 27, 2013.

      An official of the ministry said that restrictive regulation for children’s products will be set based on the continuous risk assessment on the substances that may affect children’s health.

      For more information: http://eng.me.go.kr/board.do?method=view&docSeq=10786&bbsCode=new_news&currentPage=1&searchType=&searchText=&categoryCode=