Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Publications: A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta by Civil Exchange, HKU and HKUST

A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta
This report represents a joint-effort by Civic Exchange, HKUST’s Atmospheric Research Center and HKU’s School of Public Health. In this report, HKUST laid the foundation by conducting the first ever activity-based inventory of ocean-going vessels’ emissions across the whole Pearl River Delta based on 4 emissions control scenarios. HKU built on this information and made the first ever assessment of the impacts of emissions from ocean-going vessels on the health of the population in each prefecture of the PRD, Hong Kong and Macau. | Download full report |

Press conference: 

Other materials:Final report by HKUST
Final report by HKU
Media coverage:27 Sept 2012 – HKET – 管制船舶排放 減排人人有責
26 Sept 2012 – SCMP – Low-sulphur diesel fuel for ships in Hong Kong should be compulsory
26 Sept 2012 – SCMP – Make clean ship fuel compulsory
22 Sept 2012 – The Economist – Not so fragrant: An encouraging appointment addresses an enduring problem
21 Sept 2012 – The Standard – New step in fight against pollution promised soon
21 Sept 2012 – Ship & Bunker - Hong Kong Think Tank Calls for Regional ECA
20 Sept 2102 – RTHK-3 – Call for vessels to use cleaner fuel
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – HK suffers most deaths in region from ship pollution
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – LAI SEE
20 Sept 2012 – SCMP – HK suffers most ship pollution deaths
20 Sept 2012 – The Standard – Ships urged to use cleaner fuel as 400 die each year
20 Sept 2012 – Apple Daily – 船舶廢氣年殺385人
20 Sept 2012 – The Sun – 珠三角船舶污染年殺400港人
20 Sept 2012 – Oriental Daily News – 船舶排污 年殺400港人
20 Sept 2012 – Oriental Daily News (online version) – 研究指年均近4百港人死於遠洋船排放
20 Sept 2012 – Hong Kong Economic Times – 遠洋船排二氧化硫 增死亡風險
20 Sept 2012 – Ming Pao – 接陸恭蕙葉溵溵記招擔大旗


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