Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Low Carbon Earth Summit 2012, 19-21 October 2012, China

Event Start DateOctober 19, 2012
Event End DateOctober 21, 2012

hosted by: Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA and Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau 

Conference Overview

LCES-2012 will continue to provide an alternative platform to other global conferences in related to climate change and environment protection. We will focus more on practical perspectives on green economy, promotion of sustainable or renewable energy, and exhibit technical resolutions to solve and predict the existing issues. Through the massive operations on comprehensive topics related low carbon economy and industries, we hope the summit can provide best information to exchange channels for all endeavors on low carbon fields who are working on controlling global climate changes from policy makers, NGO leaders, economists, investors, engineers, scientists, industrial leaders, carbon traders, brokers, clean emerge producers, energy consumers, toward daily low carbon life practitioners and advocators etc. Thus, LCES-2012 can provide help our society and humanity with unprecedented impacts on the world sustainable development, new economy growth and renewable energy innovation to commercialization.

Highlights of the Conference

  • A Cluster Conference with 5 Co-current Symposiums Based on Excellence
  • China State Foreign Expert Bureau becomes Major Hosting Organization
  • Cutting-edge Keynote Addresses by Prominent Leaders from China and Abroad
  • 300+ Sessions Covering Current Topics and Issues Related to Sustainable Development
  • 1000+ Oral Presentations From World Leaders Covering Politics, Economy, Education, Industry, Agriculture, Business, Military and Public Community or Related NGOs
  • Gather the Global Experts and Seek Common Low-carbon Economic Development Policy
  • Promoting the Efficient Use of Energy and Development of Clean Energy
  • Providing a meeting place for professional development and business opportunities
  • Developing Long-term Partnerships with Fortune 500
  • 200 Investors, VC, GC and Financing Institutions Looking for Promising Projects
  • Career Fair for Low Carbon Fields
  • Optional Tour to Famous Regions of China

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Mohan Munasinghe 
Chairman, Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND), Sri Lanka
Dr. Gustav R. GrobFellow of the Energy Institute EI, London, Dean em.; Executive Secretary, International Sustainable Energy Organization ISEO; Chairman of ISO/TC203/WG3 Technical Energy Systems Analyses; President of the International Clean Energy Consortium ICEC; Switzerland
Dr. Guenther Bachmann
General Secretary, German Council for Sustainable Development, Berlin, Germany
Mr. Michael T. Eckhart
Managing Director, Citigroup, USA
Dr. Armin Sandhoevel
CEO, Allianz Climate Solutions, Germany


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