Friday, September 28, 2012

Seminar on Architecture & Energy - New Strategies in the Construction Sector, 12 October 2012, Hong Kong

Architecture & Energy - New Strategies in the Construction Sector



12 Oct 2012
09:00 - 15:00

Getting more out of buildings is the most pressing environmental issue for cities for the rest of this century. It's a long-term task that demands ongoing debate rather than short-lived enthusiasm. This event provides a forum for such a conversation between Germany - a world leader in searching for and commercializing innovative solutions for building energy efficiency - and Hong Kong - one of the world's great vertical cities with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Leading experts from Germany will update Hong Kong on progress with an exciting concept showcased at last year's joint forum - the "Energy Plus" building that aspires to create more energy than it consumes. Local experts will highlight the systems and institutional support necessary to ensure innovations deliver a high-quality, sustainable urban environment. Germany and Hong Kong … the dialogue continues.

Date:Friday, 12 October 2012
Time:9:00am - 3:30pm (Registration from 8.30am)
Venue:Gloucester Rooms, 3/F, Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Road,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Registration:These is no charge for this event, but registration is essential.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Online registration:


8:30-9:00 amRegistration and networking
Session 1:
From Bright Ideas to Mainstream Practice - Green Building Policy and Programmes in Germany & Hong Kong
9.00am - 10.35am
Welcome: Mr Werner Hans Lauk, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Policy and Progress in Germany
Senior Ministry Official, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
Efficient Buildings in an Efficient City
Mr KS Wong, Secretary for the Environment (TBC)
Standards, Promotion, Information, Research – the Federal Government’s tools for energy-efficient and sustainable building
Dr Rüdiger Kratzenberg
Hong Kong responds
Mr Benny Chow, AEDAS
Question & Answer Session
Refreshment Break
Session 2: German Innovation
10.50am - 12.00pm
Energy efficiency technologies on the way to the Plus Energy House
Prof. Norbert Fisch, TU Braunschweig (Technical University), CEO EGS Plan
Hong Kong responds
Dr Guiyi Li, Hong Kong Construction Industry Council
German high-efficient facades to suit local conditionsMr Günther Strauss
CEO Schüco China
Hong Kong responds: TBC
Question & Answer Session
Lunch & Poster Exhibition
Session 3: Green Buildings and the Urban Environment
1.15pm - 3.30pm
Soft systems are essential too – innovative assessment standards
Ms Agnes Ng, Hong Kong Beam Society
Beyond buildings: Sustainable neighbourhoods
Mr Benny Chow, AEDAS
Innovations at School: First Plus Energy School in Germany in Berlin
Prof. Ingo Lütkemeyer, InBUS Architekten
Building the Future: Hong Kong Policy and Progress: TBC
Refreshment Break
Sustainable building in Cities – What can we learn from each other?
Prof. Norbert Fisch
Mr Günther Strauss
Mr Benny Chow
Dr Guiyi Li
Ms Agnes Ng
Mr Paul Rode
Close and thanks
*Programme subject to change


Dr Rüdiger Kratzenberg is the Head of the Building & Construction Industry Directorate of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. He oversees a diverse portfolio covering civil engineering, architecture, building research, energy performance of buildings, and building law. Dr Kratzenberg has qualifications in law from the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg and has held several senior posts in state and federal German governments relating to urban development.
Mr Benny Chow is an award winning sustainable design expert with worldwide project experience and a LEED AP (USGBC), BEAM Professional (HKGBC), Accrediated Professional (China Green Building Council), and a qualified ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Standard) Lead Auditor. As the Director of Sustainability at Aedas Hong Kong, Benny brings with him 15 years of experience in Sustainable Design specializing in computer modeling and analysis, urban wind environment, solar heat gain calculations, global daylight illumination simulation, building energy modeling, and air ventilation assessment using Computational Fluid Dynamics, which he has put to use in over 100 projects. Benny holds research and teaching appointments at the Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong and the Univeristy of Hong Kong.
Dr. -Ing. Manfred Norbert Fisch is Full Professor and Director at the Institute for Energy Design, Building Services and Solar Technology (IGS) at the Architecture Department at Technical University (TU) Brunswick. In 1997 Dr. Fisch became CEO of EGS-plan, Stuttgart; CEO of Energy Design Brunswick and CEO of Energy Design Asia, Stuttgart, Shanghai, UAE. He currently holds these positions while also serving as the Dean of the Architecture Department at TU Brunswick. Dr. Fisch has published over 100 papers on solar energy, rational use of energy and energy efficient office buildings. Dr. Fisch has a Ph.D. from University of Stuttgart’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Dr Guiyi Li is Director of the Zero Carbon Building Project within the Secretariat of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), responsible for the CIC’s research programme. He is an environmental specialist with 25 years of international experience in research, consultancy and management. Dr Li is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and a past chairman of CIWEM Hong Kong Branch.
Mr Guenter Strauss is the Executive Director China for Schueco, a leading system supplier for building envelopes, windows and doors, skylights, conservatories, solar thermal, photovoltaic and BIPV technology. Before joining Shueco in 1994 he worked at Rehau AG from 1987-1994. Mr. Strauss graduated for the University of Munich with a degree in economics.
Ms Agnes Ng is the Chair of the Hong Kong BEAM Society and has more than 25 years of working experience in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia. She works as a consultant to developers and is actively involved in public and volunteer services to various NGOs and Committees in addition to being a part-time lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Chu Hoi College. Agnes has been the Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council; the founding Chairman of Hong Kong Architecture Centre; and fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Architecture (HKIA). She previously had seniro roles in Aedas, and the Urban Renewal Authority in Hong Kong. Agnes is a registered architect in Hong Kong, and and the PRC.
Professor Dipl. -Ing. Ingo Lütkemeyer, Architect BDA is the Head of the School of Architecture Bremen, Managing Partner of IBUS Architects and Engineers, Professor for Architectural Design, Construction and building services at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and was appointed to the German Association of Architects BDA in 2003. He has written extensively on sustainable architecture and energy conscious design, and has designed numerous sustainable building projects including a Plus Energy school and a Passive House sports hall. He has won numerous design competition awards and was the recipient of the Climate Protection Award Bremen in 2009.
Mr Paul Rode led the team responsible for the recent energy efficiency retrofit of the iconic Empire State Building in New York City, in his role as Project Executive at Johnson Controls. Based in New York City, he leads a team of engineers and project managers applying innovative techniques to develop retrofit strategies that yield deep energy savings, and managing the implementation of energy savings projects through performance contracting. Prior to joining Johnson Controls Mr Rode worked for EUA Cogenex as an engineer developing solutions paid from savings energy projects for a variety of industrial and commercial customers. Mr. Rode is Professional Engineer with a BE degree in Chemical Engineering, and has contributed to trade publications, and governmental energy policy.

Organized by:

For more information:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Seminar on Enhancing the Productivity of Biofuel Processes, 12 October 2012, Hong Kong

Enhancing the Productivity of Biofuel Processes

Colin Webb

School of Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science
University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK


It is almost 100 years since, at the University of Manchester, Chaim Weizmann laboured in his laboratory to perfect the acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation as the first example of large scale Industrial Biotechnology. We now look to Industrial Biotechnology to supply a wealth of different products and it is technically feasible to produce the full range of functional molecules required to meet our chemical, fuel and material needs. The ‘biorefinery’ now exists as a concept, set to challenge the dominance of the petro-refinery in supplying our everyday needs from feedstocks that we can rely on being available well beyond the limited supplies of petroleum. Our challenge is to ‘engineer’ these biorefinery processes to compete economically and key to the successful achievement of this will be the development of integrated systems in which waste streams are transformed into value-added products.

Much interest has been shown recently in the biological conversion of glycerol, a by-product of the biodiesel process, into commodity chemicals, which can be used as building blocks for a variety of value-added products. We have combined this strategy with the production of rich fermentation feedstocks from biofuel processing by-products, such as rapeseed residues1, to produce a range of products including succinic acid2,3 PHB and microbial oil4. The inhibitive effects of crude glycerol impurities have also been studied and the whole system has been modelled to enhance design predictions. This talk will outline the results obtained for this particular aspect of the development of biorefinery systems and the potential for improving biofuel process productivity and sustainability.

  1. Wang R, Shaarani S M, Casas Godoy L, Melikoglu M, Sola Vergara C, Koutinas A, Webb C (2010) Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 47, 77–83
  2. Vlysidis A, Binns M, Webb C, Theodoropoulos C, (2011) Biochemical Engineering Journal, 58-59, 1-11
  3. Vlysidis A, Binns M, Webb C, Theodoropoulos C, (2011) Energy, 36 (8), 4671-4683.
  4. Uckun Kiran E, Salakkam A, Trzcinski A and Webb C (2012) Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 50, 337-342

    About the Speaker:

    Professor Colin Webb has been Director of the Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering, at the University of Manchester, UK, since it was founded in 1994. In 1999, he was honoured as the UK’s first Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology. From 2000 – 2007 he was Head of Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester. Colin has been an external advisor to a large number of Universities worldwide and is currently International Scientific Advisor to Kobe University, Japan as well as a Visiting Professor at both the University of Oviedo and the University of Cádiz in Spain. His publications include 10 books, more than 240 research papers and five patents. Colin has been Editor-in-chief of Elsevier’s Biochemical Engineering Journal since its launch in 1998. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and is currently Vice-President of IChemE with responsibility for qualifications. His research is largely directed towards the sustainable bioconversion of agricultural raw materials and the development of the biorefinery concept. This research recently won the 2011 IChemE Bioprocessing Award.

    Date:12 October 2012 (Friday)
    Time:9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
    Academic 1
    City University of Hong Kong
    Tat Chee Avenue
    Hong Kong
    Organizer:School of Energy and Environment
    City University of Hong Kong


    ~All are Welcome~

    Seminars on "Integrated Whole Building Energy Design", 12 October 2012, Hong Kong


    Integrated Whole Building Energy Design

    Mr. Paul Rode

    Project Executive Solutions Division, Building Efficiency unit, Johnson Controls


    It is widely known that a significant percentage of energy is used in the buildings that we live and work in. What is the correct amount of energy that should be used? How deep can energy savings take a building, is 5%, 10% or 50% energy savings possible? Is Net Zero possible and profitable? The program will cover the introduction of a energy retrofit business model, that includes a high level description of the most common technologies used, preparation of a business case, and real examples from some of New York's largest office towers and its airports. We will cover deep energy retrofits in existing buildings and the classic design pathway of load reduction, energy efficiency, behavior modification and renewable power production in the context of cities and buildings in particular. We will look at what is done to reduce energy use in a building in an appropriate and profitable way. How the business of energy retrofits is put together and how small and large companies, building owners, and tenants can benefits from this industry. All examples will be drawn from real examples of work being done by Johnson Controls in New York City.

    About the Speaker:

    Mr. Rode is a Project Executive for the Solutions Division of the Building Efficiency unit of Johnson Controls where he is responsible for working with Johnson's commercial clients to develop and deliver an array of energy services. Based in New York City, and covering a national footprint he leads a team of engineers, and project managers applying innovative techniques to develop retrofit strategies that yield deep energy savings, and managing the implementation of energy savings projects through performance contracting. The projects typically include retro commissioning, energy savings guarantees, smart building technologies, lighting, distributed generation, and operational studies.
    He has been with Johnson Controls for 16 years and has held the positions of Senior Project Manager, Performance Contracting Team Leader, Account Executive, and Business Development Director. Recently he led the Johnson Controls team responsible for the energy efficiency retrofit of the Empire State Building.

    Prior to joining Johnson Controls Mr. Rode worked for EUA Cogenex as an engineer developing  paid from savings energy projects for a variety of industrial and commercial customers.
    Mr. Rode has spent 10 years on foreign project management assignments involving the construction of generation / cogeneration stations in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Brazil, Russia (Soviet Union at the time), and Saudi Arabia.

    Mr. Rode is Professional Engineer with a BE degree in Chemical Engineering, has contributed to trade publications, and governmental energy policy.

    Date:12 October 2012 (Friday)
    Time:11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
    Venue:G5216, Green Zone, 5/F
    Academic 1
    City University of Hong Kong
    Tat Chee Avenue
    Hong Kong
    Organizer:School of Energy and Environment
    City University of Hong Kong


    ~All are Welcome~

    Additional supporting unit:
    Green Connections
    Green Connections, City University of Hong Kong

    Monday, September 24, 2012

    A tale of two wonderful cities, and a tale of two even more wonderful, marine & freshwater, bivalves, 12 October 2012, Hong Kong

    A tale of two wonderful cities, and a tale of two even more wonderful, marine & freshwater, bivalves


    HKU School of Biological Sciences Public lecture
    12 Oct 2012
    18:00 - 20:00

    Venue:T4, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
    Speaker:Prof. Brian Morton, Emeritus Professor of Marine Ecology, HKU

    For enquiries, please contact School of Biological Sciences by email at

    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    A report on Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta

    A Price Worth Paying: The Case for Controlling Marine Emissions in the Pearl River Delta
    This report represents a joint-effort by Civic Exchange, HKUST’s Atmospheric Research Center and HKU’s School of Public Health. In this report, HKUST laid the foundation by conducting the first ever activity-based inventory of ocean-going vessels’ emissions across the whole Pearl River Delta based on 4 emissions control scenarios. HKU built on this information and made the first ever assessment of the impacts of emissions from ocean-going vessels on the health of the population in each prefecture of the PRD, Hong Kong and Macau. | Download full report |

    Press conference: 

    Other materials:Press releaseFinal report by HKUST
    Final report by HKU


    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    International Wetland Symposium 2012: Safeguarding Wetlands, Securing Future , 7-9 November 2012, Nepal

    International Wetland Symposium 2012: Safeguarding Wetlands, Securing Future 

    7th   to  9th November 2012
    Pokhara, Nepal

    A platform for knowledge sharing between researchers and practitioners engaged in wetlands conservation and management and an opportunity to enhance technical understanding on contemporary issues.

    Organized by: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal

    Contact person: Samridhi Rijal

    2nd International Conference on Climate Change & Social Issues 2012, 28-29 November 2012, Malaysia


    2nd International Conference on Climate Change & Social Issues 2012 

    28th   to  29th November 2012
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    The ICRD/ GCU joint Conference on CCSI 2012 offers a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from many countries who share the same goals. Scientists and experts in climate change and social issues are invited to participate in this Int

    Organized by: International Center for Research & Development & Glasgow Caledonian University

    Contact person: Prabhath Patabendi

    13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Industries, 28 - 30 November 2012, India

    13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Industries 

    28th   to  30th November 2012
    New Delhi, India

    Presents latest developments on Reclamation, Environmental Impacts of Coal fired plants, remediation of contaminated Soil and Groundwater, Emerging Technologies for environmental Protection, Tailings treatment, Recycle and disposal.

    Organized by: Univeristy of Laval and others

    Call for papers: Mae Fah Luang International Conference 2012 on 'Future Challenges towards ASEAN Integration', 29 -30 November and 1 December 2012, Chiang Rai, Thailand

    Deadline for Abstract/Full Paper Submission is extended to October 10, 2012.
    Register before October 30, 2012 for Early Bird Registration Fee
    29 November 2012
    Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN
    'ASEAN Charter: Challenges and Opportunities'
    29 November 2012,
    Mr. Damon Anderson
    Director, Regional English Language Office Embassy of the United States of America
    'English Language Communication Skills for the AEC: A model to consider?'
    30 November 2012,
    Mr. Ong Kung Wai
    Consultant of Grolink
    'How Asia Regional Organic Standard is Useful for ASEAN Region'
    Asst. Prof. Dr. Akkharawit Kanjana-Opas
    Director, Prince of SongklaUniversity Science Park
    'How Asia Regional Organic Standard is Useful for ASEAN Region'
    1 December 2012,
    Associate Professor Dr. Nantana Gajaseni
    ASEAN University Network Executive Director
    'New Paradigm shift of Higher Education Development for ASEAN Integration'
    'Research Foresight on ASEAN Integration'
    Panelists: Directors of NRCT, TRF and ARDA
        Mae FahLuangUniversityhas arranged two separate tour routes to experience the University:
           • Route1 : Science, Technology and Health Science
           • Route2 : Social Science and Humanities

    For more information:

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    New Publications: Lessons learned from investing in marine and coastal management initiatives in the East Asian Seas by Anna Tengberg

    Lessons learned from investing in marine and coastal management initiatives in the East Asian Seas

    The concept that underlies the interventions of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters Program is adaptive management at the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) scale across the sequence of interventions from assessment and analysis to development of regional strategic action programs and national implementation of action plans to address transboundary environmental concerns. The GEF has provided grants to recipient countries in the East Asian Seas region covering five LMEs since the early 1990s and amounting to about US$200 million. This paper analyses GEF support to the Seas of the East Asian Region to draw lessons for future investments in LME management.
    To identify investment gaps and the overarching drivers of environmental degradation across scales, transboundary diagnostic analysis of LMEs need to be linked to analysis of existing investment flows. 
    Most funding for implementation of strategic action programs should be targeted at the national level, as interventions at this level are on average leveraging much more co-financing to GEF projects than regional interventions. 
    Better coordination and agreed procedures and methodolo- gies among different regional entities, programs and projects are necessary in regions, such as the EAS, with multiple regional initiatives at different scales. Better coordination of financial support to programs and projects operating at different scales would also strengthen the extent to which ecosystem-based management could be applied through better harmonization of management frame- works and tools for marine and coastal management from local to national to regional levels. 
    Strategies towards achieving sustainable financing should be encouraged and implemented to ensure adaptive management and achievement of goals and targets under SAPs.





    • eeu sweden


    • Peer reviewed


    Tengberg A, Cabanban AS. Lessons learned from investing in marine and coastal management initiatives in the East Asian Seas. Mar. Policy (2012),


    New Publications: Long Term Electricity Scenario And Water Use: A Case Study On India

    Long Term Electricity Scenario and Water Use: A Case Study on India
    Policy Brief

    Long Term Electricity Scenario And Water Use: A Case Study On India

    Last Modified: 2012/09/14
    Topics: Water

    Author: Mitra, Bijon Kumer and Bhattacharya, Anindya|2012/07|#20. p.8.|Publisher: IGES(Hayama, Japan)
    Language: English|Publication Type: Policy Brief|Copyright: IGES

    This policy brief focused the seriousness of water energy nexus from long-term perspective especially in the water scarce countries like India. It deals with India as a case study country. The findings reveal that the integrated water-energy policies are essential for sustainable development in the water scarce countries.


    Geographic area:

    File nameSize
    PB_20_E_final.pdf1.9 MB

    International Symposium "Managing Risks and Promoting Sustainability towardestablishing a resilient and sustainable society”, 26 September 2012, Japan

    HomeInternational Symposium "Managing Risks and Promoting Sustainability toward establishing a resilient and sustainable society”



    Elizabeth Hall, United Nations University

    The international  symposium is held in collaboration of UNU, IGES and YNU.
    Theme :“Managing Risks and Promoting Sustainability toward establishing a resilient and sustainable society” Time and Date: 13:30  17:50, Wednesday, 26th September 2012   
    Venue : Elizabeth Hall, United Nations University Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan 5-53-70 Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-8925 
     Program  Download

    The registration form :

    Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia, 17-18 October 2012, Indonesia

    Second International Conference on Human Rights and Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia 

    17th   to  18th October 2012
    Jakarta, Indonesia

    Aims to bring together academics, researchers, graduate and post- graduate students, CSOs, governments and inter- governmental representatives who work on the research and greater understanding of human rights and peace in Southeast Asia.

    Organized by: Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN)

    Contact person: Joel Mark Barredo

    Call for papers: National Conference on Environment and Biodiversity of India 29th -30th December 2012, New Delhi

    National Conference on

    Environment and Biodiversity of India

    29th -30th December 2012, New Delhi

    EBI 2012

    Organized by: North East Centre for Environmental Education and Research 

    Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 30th September 2012 

    Focal Themes: Environment
    1. Climate Change
    2. Environmental Pollution 
    3. E-waste and Solid waste management 
    4. Environmental laws & policies 
    Focal Themes: Biodiversity
    1. Floristic and faunal studies 
    2. Human-Wildlife Conflict 
    3. Biodiversity Conservation 
    4. Wetlands & Sacred Groves 
    5. Endangered Species 
    6. Biogeography
    7. Geoinformatics 
    8. Biodiversity Informatics 
    9. Ecosystems management 
    10. Sustainable development 
    11. GIS & Remote Sensing in Biodiversity Conservation 
    12. Ethnobiology and Traditional Knowledge 
    13. Bioresource management 
    14. Wildlife Protected Areas Forest management
    15. Modern trends in Plant & Animal taxonomy 
    16. Freshwater & marine ecosystem 
    For more information:

    Monday, September 17, 2012

    New Publication: Selecting Policy Instruments for Better Environmental Regulation: a Critique and Future Research Agenda

    Selecting Policy Instruments for Better Environmental Regulation: a Critique and Future Research Agenda

    1. Christopher Taylor, 
    2. Simon Pollard*
    3. Sophie Rocks,
    4. Andy Angus
    Article first published online: 8 MAY 2012
    DOI: 10.1002/eet.1584
    Environmental Policy and Governance

    Environmental Policy and Governance

    Volume 22Issue 4pages 268–292,July/August 2012


    There is a lack of evidence on regulatory effectiveness available to support policy makers with the selection of appropriate instruments to deliver better environmental regulation. We identify the types of evidence required to enable regulatory reform, characterize evidence gaps, and explore how these may be filled through future research. A typology of regulatory instruments is presented, and evidence of what has worked when and why is examined, drawing on international experience and recent cases from the United Kingdom (UK). Evidence of the capabilities of good environmental regulators for regulatory effectiveness is lacking, and it is proposed that ethnographic research that captures the nuances of regulatory practice will prove necessary to address this. This paper is of value to policy makers and regulators around the world considering the selection and deployment of the full range of environmental regulatory instruments to respond to environmental risks and in support of economic growth. It can inform the selection of suitable approaches and the design of institutions capable of delivering them. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.

    Chinese Updates: MOU on Environmental Protection Signed by China-Egypt Ministers in Beijing

    MOU on Environmental Protection Signed by China-Egypt Ministers in Beijing

    (CNEWS, August 28) With the witness of Chinese President Hu Jintao and Egyptian President Morsi, Chinese MEP Minister Zhou Shengxian and Egyptian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Ashraf Al-Arabi, on behalf of the environment authorities of the two countries, signed Memorandum of Understanding between Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China and Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt on Environmental Protection at the Great Hall of the People today.

    Under the framework of the MOU, the areas of bilateral cooperation include waste management and recycling (including solid wastes, agricultural wastes, and hazardous wastes), marine environmental protection and integrated coastal belt management, biodiversity and nature conservation, wastewater management and recycling, development of environmental policies and statistical indicators, environmental protection and climate change, environmental technologies for eco-agriculture, and other agreed areas concerning the protection and improvement of the environment. The signed MOU will further promote the bilateral environmental cooperation and be conductive to facilitating healthy bilateral ties.


    World Water Congress & Exhibition, 16-21 September, Busan Korea

    International Water Association: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition

    International Water Association: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition

    ‘2012 IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition’ organized by the International Water Association (IWA) will be held at BEXCO, Busan from 16 to 21 September. Water professionals and scholars will be attending the congress to discuss logical resolutions for the 21st century’s water issues and to participate in the international business forums with related companies.

    IWA was founded in 1999 which have been connecting world’s water professionals, organizations and companies. Over ten thousand individuals and 500 groups are members of the association, participating in the World Water Congress for exchanging information

    At this year’s congress, over 7,000 water experts from 130 countries all over the world and national and international water related companies will be gathering, under the slogan ‘Pioneering Global Water Solutions’ and discuss about plans for resolving the world water problem. Main topics include ‘Scientific water treatment and management’. ‘Future city’, ‘Water, climate and energy’ and ‘Water and health’ and various presentation, exhibitions and side events are organized.

    At the main events, 113 theses sessions presenting over 400 theses and workshops composed of 90 sessions are prepared for discussions on diverse water management policies and technologies. Also, more than 200 national and international water-related companies such as Veolia Water, Suez Environnement and Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction will promote their companies and technologies, providing opportunities to take a look at the world’s excellent technologies. To support overseas expansion of domestic water industries, export consultation sessions are prepared and ‘Korean cultural show’ will be providing entertainment to the attendees.  

    The organizers are expecting the event to be an opportunity for Korea to make a step forward in the water industry field. Water industry of Korea is growing 6.5% per year and is anticipated that one zillion won market will be formed in the year 2025, being one of the main industry for development of the country.

    The government also understands the importance of water industry and is preparing strategies for fostering water industry. It is hoped that the event will enhance the interest of related national companies and promote leading technologies to the world.

    Schedule of the event is as follows:

    Sunday 16 September 2012

    16:30 – 18:00 Opening ceremony
    18:00 – 19:30 Welcome reception

    Monday 17 September 2012

    08:15 – 09:45 Congress sessions
    10:30 – 12:00 Presidential address and keynote
    13:30 – 17:00 Congress sessions
    17:15 – 18:00 Keynote plenary
    18:00 – 19:30 Poster session
    19:00 – 21:00 YWP reception
    09:30 – 18:00 Exhibition open

    Tuesday 18 September 2012

    08:15 – 09:00 Keynote plenary
    09:15 – 15:45 Congress sessions
    16:15 – 17:00 Keynote plenary
    09:30 – 18:00 Exhibition open
    17:30 Korean cultural show

    Wednesday 19 September 2012

    08:15 – 09:00 Keynote plenary
    09:15 – 15:45 Congress sessions
    16:15 – 17:00 Keynote plenary
    09:30 – 18:00 Exhibition open
    19:00 IWA Project innovation awards dinner

    Thursday 20 September 2012

    08:15 – 09:00 Keynote plenary
    09:15 – 15:45 Congress sessions
    09:30 – 15:00 Exhibition open
    16:00 – 17:30 Closing session and Harremoes lecture
    19:00 Gala dinner

    Friday 21 September 2012

    Technical tours

    For more information: