Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Publications: Long Term Electricity Scenario And Water Use: A Case Study On India

Long Term Electricity Scenario and Water Use: A Case Study on India
Policy Brief

Long Term Electricity Scenario And Water Use: A Case Study On India

Last Modified: 2012/09/14
Topics: Water

Author: Mitra, Bijon Kumer and Bhattacharya, Anindya|2012/07|#20. p.8.|Publisher: IGES(Hayama, Japan)
Language: English|Publication Type: Policy Brief|Copyright: IGES

This policy brief focused the seriousness of water energy nexus from long-term perspective especially in the water scarce countries like India. It deals with India as a case study country. The findings reveal that the integrated water-energy policies are essential for sustainable development in the water scarce countries.


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PB_20_E_final.pdf1.9 MB


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