Friday, September 28, 2012

Seminar on Architecture & Energy - New Strategies in the Construction Sector, 12 October 2012, Hong Kong

Architecture & Energy - New Strategies in the Construction Sector



12 Oct 2012
09:00 - 15:00

Getting more out of buildings is the most pressing environmental issue for cities for the rest of this century. It's a long-term task that demands ongoing debate rather than short-lived enthusiasm. This event provides a forum for such a conversation between Germany - a world leader in searching for and commercializing innovative solutions for building energy efficiency - and Hong Kong - one of the world's great vertical cities with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Leading experts from Germany will update Hong Kong on progress with an exciting concept showcased at last year's joint forum - the "Energy Plus" building that aspires to create more energy than it consumes. Local experts will highlight the systems and institutional support necessary to ensure innovations deliver a high-quality, sustainable urban environment. Germany and Hong Kong … the dialogue continues.

Date:Friday, 12 October 2012
Time:9:00am - 3:30pm (Registration from 8.30am)
Venue:Gloucester Rooms, 3/F, Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Road,
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Registration:These is no charge for this event, but registration is essential.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Online registration:


8:30-9:00 amRegistration and networking
Session 1:
From Bright Ideas to Mainstream Practice - Green Building Policy and Programmes in Germany & Hong Kong
9.00am - 10.35am
Welcome: Mr Werner Hans Lauk, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Policy and Progress in Germany
Senior Ministry Official, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
Efficient Buildings in an Efficient City
Mr KS Wong, Secretary for the Environment (TBC)
Standards, Promotion, Information, Research – the Federal Government’s tools for energy-efficient and sustainable building
Dr Rüdiger Kratzenberg
Hong Kong responds
Mr Benny Chow, AEDAS
Question & Answer Session
Refreshment Break
Session 2: German Innovation
10.50am - 12.00pm
Energy efficiency technologies on the way to the Plus Energy House
Prof. Norbert Fisch, TU Braunschweig (Technical University), CEO EGS Plan
Hong Kong responds
Dr Guiyi Li, Hong Kong Construction Industry Council
German high-efficient facades to suit local conditionsMr Günther Strauss
CEO Schüco China
Hong Kong responds: TBC
Question & Answer Session
Lunch & Poster Exhibition
Session 3: Green Buildings and the Urban Environment
1.15pm - 3.30pm
Soft systems are essential too – innovative assessment standards
Ms Agnes Ng, Hong Kong Beam Society
Beyond buildings: Sustainable neighbourhoods
Mr Benny Chow, AEDAS
Innovations at School: First Plus Energy School in Germany in Berlin
Prof. Ingo Lütkemeyer, InBUS Architekten
Building the Future: Hong Kong Policy and Progress: TBC
Refreshment Break
Sustainable building in Cities – What can we learn from each other?
Prof. Norbert Fisch
Mr Günther Strauss
Mr Benny Chow
Dr Guiyi Li
Ms Agnes Ng
Mr Paul Rode
Close and thanks
*Programme subject to change


Dr Rüdiger Kratzenberg is the Head of the Building & Construction Industry Directorate of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. He oversees a diverse portfolio covering civil engineering, architecture, building research, energy performance of buildings, and building law. Dr Kratzenberg has qualifications in law from the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg and has held several senior posts in state and federal German governments relating to urban development.
Mr Benny Chow is an award winning sustainable design expert with worldwide project experience and a LEED AP (USGBC), BEAM Professional (HKGBC), Accrediated Professional (China Green Building Council), and a qualified ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Standard) Lead Auditor. As the Director of Sustainability at Aedas Hong Kong, Benny brings with him 15 years of experience in Sustainable Design specializing in computer modeling and analysis, urban wind environment, solar heat gain calculations, global daylight illumination simulation, building energy modeling, and air ventilation assessment using Computational Fluid Dynamics, which he has put to use in over 100 projects. Benny holds research and teaching appointments at the Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong and the Univeristy of Hong Kong.
Dr. -Ing. Manfred Norbert Fisch is Full Professor and Director at the Institute for Energy Design, Building Services and Solar Technology (IGS) at the Architecture Department at Technical University (TU) Brunswick. In 1997 Dr. Fisch became CEO of EGS-plan, Stuttgart; CEO of Energy Design Brunswick and CEO of Energy Design Asia, Stuttgart, Shanghai, UAE. He currently holds these positions while also serving as the Dean of the Architecture Department at TU Brunswick. Dr. Fisch has published over 100 papers on solar energy, rational use of energy and energy efficient office buildings. Dr. Fisch has a Ph.D. from University of Stuttgart’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Dr Guiyi Li is Director of the Zero Carbon Building Project within the Secretariat of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), responsible for the CIC’s research programme. He is an environmental specialist with 25 years of international experience in research, consultancy and management. Dr Li is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and a past chairman of CIWEM Hong Kong Branch.
Mr Guenter Strauss is the Executive Director China for Schueco, a leading system supplier for building envelopes, windows and doors, skylights, conservatories, solar thermal, photovoltaic and BIPV technology. Before joining Shueco in 1994 he worked at Rehau AG from 1987-1994. Mr. Strauss graduated for the University of Munich with a degree in economics.
Ms Agnes Ng is the Chair of the Hong Kong BEAM Society and has more than 25 years of working experience in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia. She works as a consultant to developers and is actively involved in public and volunteer services to various NGOs and Committees in addition to being a part-time lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Chu Hoi College. Agnes has been the Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council; the founding Chairman of Hong Kong Architecture Centre; and fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Architecture (HKIA). She previously had seniro roles in Aedas, and the Urban Renewal Authority in Hong Kong. Agnes is a registered architect in Hong Kong, and and the PRC.
Professor Dipl. -Ing. Ingo Lütkemeyer, Architect BDA is the Head of the School of Architecture Bremen, Managing Partner of IBUS Architects and Engineers, Professor for Architectural Design, Construction and building services at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, and was appointed to the German Association of Architects BDA in 2003. He has written extensively on sustainable architecture and energy conscious design, and has designed numerous sustainable building projects including a Plus Energy school and a Passive House sports hall. He has won numerous design competition awards and was the recipient of the Climate Protection Award Bremen in 2009.
Mr Paul Rode led the team responsible for the recent energy efficiency retrofit of the iconic Empire State Building in New York City, in his role as Project Executive at Johnson Controls. Based in New York City, he leads a team of engineers and project managers applying innovative techniques to develop retrofit strategies that yield deep energy savings, and managing the implementation of energy savings projects through performance contracting. Prior to joining Johnson Controls Mr Rode worked for EUA Cogenex as an engineer developing solutions paid from savings energy projects for a variety of industrial and commercial customers. Mr. Rode is Professional Engineer with a BE degree in Chemical Engineering, and has contributed to trade publications, and governmental energy policy.

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