Sunday, July 22, 2012

S. Korean Updates: APEC environment ministers to show expectation on GGGI’s role

APEC environment ministers to show expectation on GGGI’s role


2012 APEC, the three-day meeting of ministers responsible for the environment, ended on the 18th with a statement. The meeting was held on 16-18 July, in Khabarovsk, the Russian Federation. It was held in 15 years since the last meeting in 1997, in Toronto, Canada.

At the meeting, the attendees discussed about conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, water management, trans-boundary air pollution and climate change and green growth, emphasizing the necessity of joint cooperation among APEC region.

In the statement, chief delegate of Korea, Song Jae-yong, the head of the Environmental Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment, and the Korean delegation reflected the anticipation of Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)’s role in assisting green growth of APEC economies. In the speech as the chief delegate, Song introduced Korea’s measures against climate change and green growth policies. He also stressed that GGGI will contribute in expansion of global green growth.

Refer to the attached for the ‘Statement of the 2012 APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for the Environment’.
2012 APEC Statement. pdf



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