Sunday, July 15, 2012


Johannesburg, South Africa
July 12-13, 2012

Ministry of Environment and Forests

The 11th BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change was held in Johannesburg on July 12-13 2012. H.E. Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission of China, H.E Ambassador Luiz Figueiredo Machado, Under Secretary for Environment, Energy, Science and Technology of the Ministry of External Relations, Brazil, H.E Ms Mira Mehrishi, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, HE Ms Edna Molewa, Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa, and H.E Ambassador Mxakato-Diseko as representative of the COP17/CMP7 President participated in the meeting. In line with the ‘BASIC-Plus’ approach, Algeria (as Chair of G-77 & China), Swaziland (as Chair of the Africa Group), Nauru (as Chair of AOSIS), and Qatar (as incoming President of COP-18/CMP8) were invited to the meeting.

BASIC Ministers welcomed the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and the adoption of the document The Future We Want, reaffirming the Rio Principles, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.

Ministers affirmed that the outcome of COP17/CMP7 represents a carefully balanced package, and stressed the importance of its full and effective implementation in accordance with the decisions taken in Durban. Ministers emphasized that this year is for implementation, focusing on the adoption of the amendment to Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol, the adoption of the agreed outcome pursuant to decision 1/CP.13, and the launching of the Durban Platform.

Ministers expressed concern about the level of ambition reflected in QELROs submitted by Annex I countries that are Party to the Kyoto Protocol, which is far below what is required by science and their historical responsibility to reduce their emission by at least 25 to 40% by 2020 from their 1990 levels. Ministers called for the adoption of a ratifiable 2nd Commitment Period under the Kyoto Protocol, and its immediate implementation at the beginning of 2013, in order to successfully conclude the work of the AWG-KP at Doha.

Ministers emphasized the importance of successfully concluding the work of the AWG-LCA pursuant to decision 1/CP.13 in Doha, highlighting the urgency of reaching clear decisions on the comparability of effort through common accounting rules for developed countries, and the full operationalisation of the institutional mechanism agreed to in Durban, including the Adaptation Framework, Finance and Technology Mechanisms. In addition, Ministers underlined the importance of means of implementation, in particular long-term finance including sources and transparency, as well as technology transfer and ensuring that intellectual property rights are not a barrier to action.

In this context, Ministers stressed that unresolved issues, in particular the issues of equity, intellectual property rights and unilateral measures must be addressed in the AWGs, whilst issues of technical nature could be suitably handled by the Subsidiary Bodies under the Convention. Ministers were deeply concerned at the continued unilateral action by the EU to include international aviation in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), including intentions for similar unilateral measures, and called for immediate withdrawal of such actions that violate the multilateral rules based system and adversely affect trust amongst Parties.

Ministers welcomed the launching of the Ad hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action in accordance with decision 1/CP.17 and the progress made at the recent intersessional meeting held in Bonn, Germany, in May 2012. Ministers recognized that the Durban Platform offers a clear opportunity for the enhanced implementation of the

Convention, in order to achieve an equitable, inclusive and effective agreed outcome. Ministers reaffirmed that both the process and its outcome shall be under the Convention, and in full accordance with all its principles and provisions, in particular the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. Ministers reaffirmed that the ADP shall plan its work, including, inter alia, on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, transparency of action, and support and capacity-building, drawing upon submissions from Parties and relevant technical, social and
economic information and expertise;

Ministers stressed that finance and technology support and adaptation are essential elements for the work on ambition referred to in decision 1/CP.17, and noted that developing countries have demonstrated full commitment in playing their part in the global fight against climate change, and have presented actions which express significant ambition to reduce emissions. In that regard, developed countries must rise to their historical responsibilities and take the lead by undertaking robust and ambitious mitigation commitments consistent with science, and in accordance with the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.

Ministers considered further work by experts on equitable access to sustainable development, and identified the need for further work on its operationalisation in the context of the Durban Platform discussions. They also identified the need for further scientific and technical analysis by experts of relevant issues, including the impact of market mechanisms in the context of Annex I ambition, unilateral measures on aviation and maritime emissions, and short-lived climate forcers. Ministers mandated experts to enhance their collaborative efforts in providing technical support to the negotiation process, and also propose practical ways to increase South-South cooperation.

Ministers expressed support to India in hosting the upcoming 11th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and 6th Meeting of Parties to the Cartagena Protocol, in Hyderabad, India from 1 to 19 October 2012. Ministers expressed their appreciation to

Qatar for hosting COP18/CMP8, and its generous contributions for the additional meeting in Bangkok, in August-September 2012. Ministers expressed their full support to Qatar as the Incoming CoP President to achieve a successful outcome in Doha.

Ministers emphasized that BASIC countries, as part of the G77 & China, continue to work to maintain and strengthen the unity of the Group. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the unity of the G-77 & China as the common voice of developing countries in the climate change negotiations. The Minister reaffirmed the continuation of the BASIC plus approach, and to work proactively within the Group.

Ministers welcomed the offer by Brazil to host the 12th BASIC Ministerial Meeting in September 2012.

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